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    First Impression of Fallout 4

    Might as well ask why can't they make a proper RPG.
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    Fallout 4 images leak

    Oh my. What a big improvement that is from Fallout 3's "Very Hard" difficulty.
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    First Impression of Fallout 4

    Since when VATS was essential?
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    Hate Newspapers Thread

    This pic would be a lot cooler if somebody photoshoped Fallout 4 on the cd.
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    Fallout 4 images leak

    Fallout 4. Now with 87 bazillion weapons!
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    Fallout 4 images leak

    Legendary Enemies drop unique weapons? How is it hard difficulty if the game gives you a chance to get good weapons early in the game, assuming they'll appear early. I don't get this part. Does this mean weapons also have a chance to deal critical damage when the critical bar isn't filled up?
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    Hate Newspapers Thread

    You don't need to be Russian to understand that one. That particular work is also popular outside of Russia too.
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    Popsicle or Android?

    Could be C: He/she overdosed with sugarbombs and nuka cola and went into a 250 year old coma. But with Emil as a writer it could be worse like a sleeping beauty story, only instead of getting a kiss from a prince your alarm clock finally goes off.
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    The Art of Fallout 4 preview

    Borderlands 2 WITH 87 BAZILLION GUNS for you to collect. Oh what fun... if you got nothing else to do with your free time.
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    NMA's Skype Nighr Fallout discussion ideas.

    I'd love to do this kind of thing, but my mic is so bad that my voice sounds like someone is strangling a cat in a background of flees faping, hence why I don't use teamspeak or skype when I play MOBAs or other online games.
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    The Art of Fallout 4 preview

    Only to find enough scrap to build a mod that'll give even more damage, but without the additional benefits just to suffice enough until you find more scrap for another mod that'll slightly more damage but with different additional benefits. That's what I meant by constantly scavenging to...
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    The Art of Fallout 4 preview

    The whole weapons crafting really reminds me of borderlands. Same weapon slightly different stats. The melee weapon crafting looks even worse. There are only 2 stats - damage and weight, and each mod gives slightly bigger damage with some benefits like armor piercing from mod to mod. The way I...
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    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    The UI can be the ugliest compared to all other games out there, but it's a very small bit of the rest of the product. And if everything else is at least above sub par (I'm not expecting too much from Bethesda at this point), then nitpicking over a thing like this is just stupid. Hate newspapers...
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    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    ....but of course you spend shit ton of time there.
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    From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?

    Agreed. Shit like this is too much. It's not like you spend too much in the main menu anyway.
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    Fallout 4 Achievement list

    Bethesda doesn't have the brains or the balls to create that kind of achievement or dialogue
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    the hell?

    Loving it never gets old either.
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    Let's Speculate Romance, Or atleast how it will be presented

    Later... And the developers choice award for best writing in 2008 goes to? Bethesda for Fallout 3!
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    Let's Speculate Romance, Or atleast how it will be presented

    Let's just hope the spouse and the kid won't be as stupid as dadda in Fallout 3. *Blows up a town killing everyone (except for a certain bitch who miraculously turns into a ghoul and has no grudge)*. Son I found out that you blew up Megaton. You're still my son, and I love you, but I can't...