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  1. Akratus

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down A review Fallout 4 inexplicably posted already despite the embargo, was quickly pulled. More surprisingly it's actually negative. Oh geez oh mighty oh lord.
  2. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    Go to a college dressed in a "insensitive" costume and tell me again one is just 'suggested' to tow the line.
  3. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    There doesn't need to be a 1984-ish system for there to be a problem at all.
  4. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    I guess I'll post this here: Have we shifted to a bizarro reality all of a sudden? I agree with this: "Why would anyone want to watch a movie about this Even SVU had to make absurd exaggerations to...
  5. Akratus

    I drew things

    Not any more.
  6. Akratus

    I drew things

    Did another silhouette thing, as requested by Moosick:
  7. Akratus

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    That vomir song. . . that kind of music. . . what form of entertainment does it provide? I don't mean to put it down I'm just ignorant on this form of music, so maybe you could help me.
  8. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    The dreaded MRA's. I've never actually met one online but I'm told they're responsible for everything wrong with the world.
  9. Akratus

    Lazy Game Reviews reviews Fallout

    Why yes, you CAN kick a rat in the balls!
  10. Akratus

    Decent Games

  11. Akratus

    A Strange History of Faith and Religion

    I pray for the safety of all good people who come to nma, even gentiles. But we can't expect god to do all the work.
  12. Akratus

    I ... wasted my life.

    You hold the spark differentiating you from the blind crawlers crawling around in the cultural dirt sucking up intellectual dust. If it was tangible and obtainable people would damn the universe to obtain that spark.
  13. Akratus

    NMA's Skype Nighr Fallout discussion ideas.

    Before even reading the thread I can tell you I am in. I am in. Pick me.
  14. Akratus

    Supposed Spoilers from /v/ Ending narration. No spoilers, I swear. Warning: Spoilers.
  15. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    Seriously, did anyone here every made the claim that games, movies etc. have been ruined forever by feminism?
  16. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

  17. Akratus

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    The real deciding factor in our world is money anyway.
  18. Akratus

    Tumblr users drive girl to suicide attempt

    One line is now an obsession, which I immediately counter with a counter thought straight after. It is obvious you are the one with an obsession. Just a little one though. I wouldn't want to be so needlessly accusatory. I believe that's the reason social justice adherrants have to try to...
  19. Akratus

    Tumblr users drive girl to suicide attempt

    I said that in the next sentence. But when people on tumblr are making communities purely for hating on you, maybe you shouldn't go on tumblr anymore, at the least.
  20. Akratus

    I ... wasted my life.

    Join the club.