I'm...quite surprised no one found what I wrote as sort of shocking.
What do you mean by shocking?
Even the most mundane beliefs are pretty "bat shit" if you compare them to a plainly atheistic world view.
"Alternativism" is widespread in the educated west, yet it includes notions of pretty stones containing "good energy" versus "evil energy" and so on.
Healing rubble.
Water that has good intentions, water with a sense of moral. Nothing surprises me, really. Consider Christianity is the worlds biggest religion, and if we count all Abrahamic religions we're up to over half the entire world population. Half the population of the world believe that there's another dimension of reality
up in the sky, and whenever it's pointed out that there's only clouds there, there's only further alternate dimensions added "no, no, it's beyond that." where exactly? "Beyond."
The other half, Dharmic religions, with men who sit beneath trees for the duration of their lives, contemplating stuff - or blue-skinned people with 8 arms.
Even if they are moderate believers, there is no surprise in any of it.
Now, you bring up a very interesting point in the "behind closed doors"
As an atheist myself, I have a hard time
truly emphatizing with religious people. Most of it, I can understand, but there
has to be different levels of doubt out there, coupled with different degrees of faith.
It is common knowledge that most educated Christian people don't
really believe Jesus made fish rain down from the sky, but there's no exact boundary anywhere, it's up to every believer - and varies from religion to religion.
I know one Muslim who cried during Ramadan - out of the frustration of fasting

I know another Muslim who ate pork and got tattoos (this would be one of the moderate Muslims that hard-line islamophobes refuse to acknowledge even exist)
There is a "gray scale" from believing everything - to believing nothing, and as a human, you can't really be surprised to encounter people anywhere on that scale.