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  1. Cobra Commander

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    Sure. After 2 centuries; aside James and Madson Li; no one there did something to change this situation right? meanwhile on the other side of the country, the NCR have 700.000 citizens. They're building a railroad network to link all of their state's cities, you know?
  2. Cobra Commander

    About 76

    This is drama. I like Fallout 3 (fun game back in 2009, 6/10. could have gained a higher score if half of the dlcs were not an abortion) and no one here has ever criticized me for it.
  3. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Nhé, East Enclave PA are not the real deal.
  4. Cobra Commander

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    must be something like Deus Ex: HR. two major cities (planets) and some special hubs (moons, asteroids) I´m ok with that. Really liked DX:HR.
  5. Cobra Commander

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    :lol: I think only gizmo still has the patience to put up with this guy
  6. Cobra Commander

    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    heeh. This guy still exist? :lol: I remember once someone told him that argument that Fallout 3 has no farms and livestock and such. and he replied that the Geck of Fallout 3 indicates that there are more brahmins there than in NV, so this argument should be applied to NV. Then I said: "what...
  7. Cobra Commander

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    And can not be modded, because the Vats is hardcoded. I actually tried once.
  8. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 76

    EXACTLY my thought. I never see anything like this, I did not even know it was possible. But it's Bethesda, right? What's not possible for them in terms of bugs?
  9. Cobra Commander

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    Mileena is a knockout Love her suit in MK9 the blowjob must sux though
  10. Cobra Commander

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    I have seen some videos of him and I only like the NV ones. I tried to see some of Fallout 3, but I could not reach the end. That's how bad the Bethesda lore is.
  11. Cobra Commander

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I would say, November 2019. It may be before, but without doubt, after E3. Microsoft will want to show this game on her presentation.
  12. Cobra Commander

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Anywaaaay. I did not see anyone talking about it, but I thought Auntie Cleo's is a reference to Moncorp I wonder who will be the "main villain" of the game. I have the impression that these corporations respond to something greater.
  13. Cobra Commander

    Need NMA opinion on some Legion´s armor. Come and help me.

    Fresh new mod guys have fun :3
  14. Cobra Commander

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    HAAA! I remember when this bitch was a tranny But they never went ahead with this idea.
  15. Cobra Commander

    Let's Get Pathetic! Hottest video game characters?

    Liara sux. I´m more for her MOM Bonus point in categories MILF and BOOBS Meh. I liked Bioware when they were not soy boys.
  16. Cobra Commander

    Fallout 76

  17. Cobra Commander

    Avellone = "Bethesda does not want to listen"

    Avellone = "Bethesda does not want to listen"