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  1. Supermarauder

    Bow Chicka Bow Wow

    Bow Chicka Bow Wow
  2. Supermarauder

    Yakuza will be on Steam soon.

    Sweet! I've always wanted to try this series. Might buy it sometime down the line.
  3. Supermarauder

    I really want to see the gameplay of Doom: Eternal asap.

    I really want to see the gameplay of Doom: Eternal asap.
  4. Supermarauder

    FNV is not bad at all, it makes you actually idk think about the significance of your actions...

    FNV is not bad at all, it makes you actually idk think about the significance of your actions. The fact that FNV has consequences pisses off people who like F4.
  5. Supermarauder

    Anything will offend anyone, I try my best not to be surprised by stuff like that.

    Anything will offend anyone, I try my best not to be surprised by stuff like that.
  6. Supermarauder

    Eh I kinda do, but I never thought they'd try to revive it after they cancelled initially in...

    Eh I kinda do, but I never thought they'd try to revive it after they cancelled initially in favor of Doom 4. the first game was ok.
  7. Supermarauder

    Who's ready to check off their Bingo sheets for the Bethesda presentation tonight?

    Who's ready to check off their Bingo sheets for the Bethesda presentation tonight?
  8. Supermarauder

    Fallout 76 Prediction Game

    I think they're gonna try to retcon a lot of established lore from Fallout 1 and 2 because they think they'll be able to get away with it. I.E. BoS, Enclave, and Super Mutants on the East Coast
  9. Supermarauder

    @TorontRayne Scroll is pretty ok, i mean the wizards and witches are good teachers of magic and...

    @TorontRayne Scroll is pretty ok, i mean the wizards and witches are good teachers of magic and all but the alchemy one is a huge pain in the butt. (fyi i was typing on mobile and i pressed enter without realizing i spelled school incorrectly LMAO).
  10. Supermarauder

    one more week of scroll and then im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    one more week of scroll and then im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  11. Supermarauder


  12. Supermarauder


    5 bucks says it'll make a post about a work out healthly nutrition site next.
  13. Supermarauder

    Fallout: New California Trailer And Other Irradiated News

    Ive been waiting forever for this mod to actually come out. Im glad that they have a release date because Id like to play it.
  14. Supermarauder

    Heading back the Necropolis to explore it.

    Heading back the Necropolis to explore it.
  15. Supermarauder

    Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think - Many A True Nerd

    @Cobra Commander Amen Brother. Also @MKSaibot , what are you smoking right now?? Because I want some if you got any extra of it.
  16. Supermarauder


    Welcome to NMA
  17. Supermarauder

    What did you think was bad about Fallout 4

    Sorry I just read the title of forum, I'll try not jumping the gun next time. I'll elaborate a bit. There's quite a bit of plot holes in Fallout 4's story like how Shaun never thinks of enhancing himself with cybernetics. If that's how Kellogg stayed young the entire time without gaining cancer...
  18. Supermarauder

    What did you think was bad about Fallout 4

    The Plot, the Dialogue wheel and the options they give you. They took the "RP" out of the "G" and the "G" is all that's left and competent "shooty shooty bang bang."
  19. Supermarauder

    Star Wars: Solo

    I thought Solo was good. Much better than TLJ but not as good as Rogue One. I thought some of the explanations were unneeded considering that some are self explanatory. I.E. How Han gets his last name. The other one that sticks out to me right now is how the Millennium Falcon gets its iconic...