More assorted Fallout goodness shuffled my way today, so I felt like sharing it. This should have something for everyone. First we have a teaser from Fallout: New California.
I was going to complain about nothing but action but it is named the action teaser so there's that. Fallout: New Vegas still kicking ass and taking names in 2018.
Now a Fallout 4 project I just learned about (or rediscovered considering it was silent for some time) called Fallout: New Ronto. At least it looks nice. I'm not seeing much progress on their Twitter, but there is a faint pulse.
Lastly here is a standard Fallout 3 playthrough proving why the game is still popular. This guy made me laugh my ass off. I am curious how many times he crashed making the video if at all.
Harold's heart being underground is especially absurd come to think of it. I forgot all about that. What incentive does Bethesda honestly have to improve though when the bugs are played for laughs like this? Of course playing through a buggy mess is a lot harder than watching the edited snippets of it. Food for thought.
Last but not least we have an interesting article from Eurogamer that relates to Vault 11 and Fallout: New Vegas.
I haven't forgotten about the post apocalyptic movie reviews. Stay tuned.
We were here before the fall.
I was going to complain about nothing but action but it is named the action teaser so there's that. Fallout: New Vegas still kicking ass and taking names in 2018.
Now a Fallout 4 project I just learned about (or rediscovered considering it was silent for some time) called Fallout: New Ronto. At least it looks nice. I'm not seeing much progress on their Twitter, but there is a faint pulse.

Lastly here is a standard Fallout 3 playthrough proving why the game is still popular. This guy made me laugh my ass off. I am curious how many times he crashed making the video if at all.
Harold's heart being underground is especially absurd come to think of it. I forgot all about that. What incentive does Bethesda honestly have to improve though when the bugs are played for laughs like this? Of course playing through a buggy mess is a lot harder than watching the edited snippets of it. Food for thought.
Last but not least we have an interesting article from Eurogamer that relates to Vault 11 and Fallout: New Vegas.
Vault 11 designer Eric Fenstermaker speaks about the making of the human condition.
Eric Fenstermaker is a writer and designer who worked at Obsidian Entertainment for over a decade before leaving to go freelance. He had a hand in Neverwinter Nights 2, Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, Fallout: New Vegas, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Pillars of Eternity, Pillars of Eternity: The White March Parts 1 and 2 and Pillars of Eternity 2, writing, designing levels, scripting and playing with gameplay systems design. He got his start in college as a summer programming intern at Pipeworks Software in Eugene, Oregon, working on a couple of Godzilla fighting games. "I was a big Godzilla fan growing up, so it was a pretty great introduction to the industry, and everyone there was just really cool to work with," he tells Eurogamer.
Obsidian was Fenstermaker's first job after college. He inched his way into level and narrative design over time after joining as a gameplay scripter. New Vegas was about halfway into his time at the studio. "At that point I was a level-designer-who-was-allowed-to-write-his-own-stuff," he says. "That's a good job because the ratio of creative freedom to overall responsibility is very favourable."
More recently, Fenstermaker wrapped up work on Pillars of Eternity 2. "I remained narrative lead through pre-production, and then I moved out-of-house to work as a part-time contractor instead," he says. "So I ended up writing a companion, Edér, for that project over this past year. He was a lot of fun to write in the first game, and the other writers on that team are terrific to collaborate with, so doing him for the sequel was a no-brainer to me."
I haven't forgotten about the post apocalyptic movie reviews. Stay tuned.
We were here before the fall.