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  1. V

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Are you talking about adding the game to the library as a non-steam game? I'm already aware of that and that unfortunately still doesn't come with the "hours played" counter. :p
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    I'm pretty sure all you had to do was just install RP into Steam's Fallout 2 folder. In my case D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 2. So whenever you launched the game through Steam, it would launch it with RP installed. The problem with Fixt however (unless I installed it wrong) is that the...
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Is there a way to start the game with the mod installed directly from Steam? Right now it just starts the vanilla. You were able to do it with Fallout 2's RP, so was just wondering would it work with this one as well. Not a big deal really, and I guess I could always add it to the library as a...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Little update to my problem. I noticed that it tends to freeze whenever I try to attack "mean" centaurs. Regular centaurs don't seem to be causing any freezes. Also, Marcus killed one of them with his light support weapon, and there was no blood coming out of it when it died. All the other...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    Hey all It's been few years since I've posted anything here. I recently reinstalled the Steam version of the game and then the RP. Everything has been working just fine most of the time. However, I've been getting some odd freezes lately, especially the last few are weird. For example, the last...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Only thing I don't like about him, is that he can't run anymore. :P Also he's firearm skills have changed from pistols/SMGs/etc. to rifles, right?
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Hey, it worked! THANK YOU! :)
  8. V

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Here's the save file: All I ever do is just remove the forcefields and climb up the stairs. Then the crash happens.
  9. V

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Great.. As soon as I climb up the stairs in the Hubologists base, the game crashes. :( I feel like I've had this before, long time ago. Too bad that my 2nd latest save is about 2 months away (in game time of course! :p ).
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    It's also strange that they don't even seem to heal outside of combat (are they even supposed to?) with stimpaks. For example, I had 6 stimpaks and 2 supers on Cassidy. After he was severely wounded and the combat was over, instead of using them, he says that he's hurt pretty bad and asked that...
  11. V

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    I noticed something funny. One of the Ranger safehouses has a weather vane on the wall. If you examine it, the description says "This simple weather vane helps the people of Shady Sands study the weather". So, since Shady Sands doesn't exist anymore (and the location is wrong anyway), any...
  12. V

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    My point was, that it doesn't matter if you fail the stat check, (which causes him to turn hostile) because he'll just run away, making the whole stat check completely useless. You won't even get any extra rewards from it and you can STILL send Chad to jail. IMO sending Chad to jail/keeping...
  13. V

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Hmm..Never had this happen before. I was doing the Chad skimming money quest in Broken Hills. After one of the guys told about the security system in Chad's house, I went to his place and searched the drawer. I didn't find anything suspicious from there (It has PE or skill check?) and then...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    I know this has been in the earlier versions of RP already, but what does the "removed random element from party leveling" actually do? I've always installed it, even though I have no idea what it does... :p Oh and while I was at New Reno today, my game crashed during the final boxing match...
  15. V

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 - OPEN BETA (ie NOT FINAL)

    Oh wow, it's been forever since my last post. Saw this here yesterday and I just HAD to download it, and reinstall FO2. I've just reached Klamath and I'm already seeing all kinds of small changes, it's nice. :) I came across a little problem though. After I had done the cattle rustling...
  16. V

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2: Weapons Redone v2.3

    Hey, what's the name of the files for sledgehammer and spears? I'd like to have them back to normal, because I don't like the 5AP cost. I can only hit enemies once per turn and I don't like that :S E: Hellooo, is everyone dead, or what's going on?
  17. V

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yeah, I agree with you. The AI companion is great, especially when giving her the sniper rifle (What you already mentioned). The onlly thing I don't like about her, is that when she takes the knife out and is about to break the barrels, boxes etc. she won't break them if you get too close to...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Thief & Thief 2 God I just love these games. Brings back good memories. On the first one I'm at the Hammerites' prison right now and on the second one, still on the first mission. ^ Confusing, right? :lol: I agree on everything :)
  19. V

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Ahh, great mod, can't wait for 1.3 :)