edit: of course, after having reported this and playing again, the statistic is more like every 5 or 6 attempts. But still, it's too high on average for something that should happen a lot more frequently.
I'm playing Fallout 2 on Windows XP SP3. I have the latest Killap patch installed, but not the restoration project. No other mods/patches.
When I enter the temple at the start of the game and start fighting the ants unarmed, I have to keep trying and trying and trying, even though the chance is 43% which should net one hit ever 2 or 3 attempts. I only score a hit every 5/6 attempt.
I have the Gifted and Small Frame traits.
My tag skills are small guns, lockpick and speech.
I have 52% in unarmed skill.
My points:
ST 6
PE 9
En 4
Ch 4
Int 10
AG 10
LK 5
I started the game before and played with another character that seemed to hit a lot more often. Of course, that was a melee character which had the unarmed skill tagged.
So, I want to ask, is this normal or could something be causing it? It seems crazy that I have to try so many times with a supposed 43% chance to hit, before I land one.
I hope I posted this in the right place, since I'm using the killap patch.
I'm playing Fallout 2 on Windows XP SP3. I have the latest Killap patch installed, but not the restoration project. No other mods/patches.
When I enter the temple at the start of the game and start fighting the ants unarmed, I have to keep trying and trying and trying, even though the chance is 43% which should net one hit ever 2 or 3 attempts. I only score a hit every 5/6 attempt.
I have the Gifted and Small Frame traits.
My tag skills are small guns, lockpick and speech.
I have 52% in unarmed skill.
My points:
ST 6
PE 9
En 4
Ch 4
Int 10
AG 10
LK 5
I started the game before and played with another character that seemed to hit a lot more often. Of course, that was a melee character which had the unarmed skill tagged.
So, I want to ask, is this normal or could something be causing it? It seems crazy that I have to try so many times with a supposed 43% chance to hit, before I land one.
I hope I posted this in the right place, since I'm using the killap patch.