43% Chance to hit, but only hitting every 5/6-ish attempt


First time out of the vault
edit: of course, after having reported this and playing again, the statistic is more like every 5 or 6 attempts. But still, it's too high on average for something that should happen a lot more frequently.


I'm playing Fallout 2 on Windows XP SP3. I have the latest Killap patch installed, but not the restoration project. No other mods/patches.

When I enter the temple at the start of the game and start fighting the ants unarmed, I have to keep trying and trying and trying, even though the chance is 43% which should net one hit ever 2 or 3 attempts. I only score a hit every 5/6 attempt.

I have the Gifted and Small Frame traits.
My tag skills are small guns, lockpick and speech.

I have 52% in unarmed skill.

My points:
ST 6
PE 9
En 4
Ch 4
Int 10
AG 10
LK 5

I started the game before and played with another character that seemed to hit a lot more often. Of course, that was a melee character which had the unarmed skill tagged.

So, I want to ask, is this normal or could something be causing it? It seems crazy that I have to try so many times with a supposed 43% chance to hit, before I land one.

I hope I posted this in the right place, since I'm using the killap patch.
Don't think of it as "I have a 43% chance to hit so why am i missing 5-6 times in a row".

Instead consider that for every swing you take you actually have less than a 1 in 2 chance of connecting for a hit.

Better yet lets use a negative.

You have a 57% chance to miss on each attack.

It doesn't mean that you are going to miss on 57% of your attacks but that each one has that chance of missing.

Which is why sometimes you will have several succesfull attacks in a row and other times you will miss 5-6 times in a row.
Try recording how many hits you get over a hundred or so attempts; that will tell you if the percentage is relatively accurate (+/-10%). With a good random number generator, there's no theoretical limit on how many times you can miss in a row, so that's not a good way to analyze it.

Of course, it's quite possible that the algorithm that calculates the displayed chance to hit doesn't take into account all the factors that the actual attack algorithm does.
I think it has something to do with the AC (or what ever protection) the critters have. Your actual ability to hit or damage done is reduced by some defencive factor of the ant/scorpion.
I think that enviromental and all other,such as AC,factors are already figured into the % to hit chance.Distance,lighting,weapon,and AC all go into the % to hit you see displayed.

Anyways i think the problem is,which i had too when i first started playing games that used a % to hit,is that there is a problem of thinking of attempts as cumalitive(sp).

I just shot at that guy 10 times with a 10% chance to hit so why didn't at least one shot hit?

Thats why i tried to explain the reverse in my post.

Don't think of it,when having a below 50% chance to hit,as i have an x% to hit but as i have a y% to miss and it becomes less aggrevating and makes more sense.