Search results

  1. Canaris

    Is the Sole Survivor a Synth?

    Its not the question of "would it be good or bad", its a theory born purely out of a mechanism typical for bethdrones - they always take something that is a Bethesda fuck up or something they simply didnt care enough and turn it into 2deep4u 6d chess deep lore zomg fridge brilliance. In this...
  2. Canaris

    Is the Sole Survivor a Synth?

    No. Its a shitty cop out from terminal Bethdrones who always have to mental gymnast some 2deep4u 6D chess to explain Bethesda fuck ups, shortcomings and outright being a bunch of lazy fucking cunts. Same with Jet in pre war shit, Enclave/Muties/BoS on the East Coast, entirety of F76 etc.
  3. Canaris

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    Oh dont you worry about that, im sure they will definetly surpass F4. Bad story is meh, bad story with "current thing", 4th wall breaking shit and reddit tier humor is atrocious. I never considered ST/Witcher/SW/HALO/LOTR to be "soulless franchise".. And as for quality of the tv series - i...
  4. Canaris

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    I give negative amount of fucks about ANY new tv /movie creation. I lived to see Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien franchise ( albeit from different reasons ), Witcher, HALO, LOTR and countless other beloved ips ruined - i have no hope that anything they create these days will be even half decent let...
  5. Canaris

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    Cant wait for a blond combover evul nazi Enclave leader who will give parody tier speeches about "making postapo america great again" donning a big trucker hat, only to be put down by a transgender pansexual two spirit midget with autism and rainbow tattoo on xir forehead accompanied selfaware...
  6. Canaris

    Favorite Fallout 4 Quests?

    DC Blues and Human Error are clearly my two top choices purely because they are the sole two quests in that entire god forsaken game that qualify as actual fucking quests and not KLR bullshit. Order Up ( the Wolfgang vs Trudy ) is also neat little quest but its clearly a typical case of...
  7. Canaris

    Fallout 5 Predictions

    Depends who will make Fallout 5. If Bethesda : some more east coast fanfic bullshit with even less rpg elements, quests or story but more shootin, lootin and probably cash shop/microtransactions shoved in. If someone else : no idea. Id love for New Mexico/Texas to be more explored and id love...
  8. Canaris

    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    Bethesda might decide what to do with their own dicks but not Fallout as it isnt theirs because they repeadetly proven they have no idea what the fuck this series is about and they continue to release shitty fanfic tier games that only bear the name of Fallout but arent Fallout by any metric...
  9. Canaris

    ooga booga crapout 76 is now cannon

    >Fallout 76 is canon No it isnt, no matter how loud Bethdrones scream about it.
  10. Canaris

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    I have to vote for Temple of Trials. San Fran feels weird but at least there is something to do there, quests shops etc and its not mandatory to complete it everytime you get to the game. Altough it does feel weirdly disconected from the rest of the Wasteland and with basically zero influence...
  11. Canaris

    Screen Rant's "Every Fallout Game, Ranked Worst To Best" Article

    >obvious clickbait >by some zoomer website that is either bribed to shit or steeped deep in modern "gaming journalism" bullshit Yeah im not going to lose my sleep because of that. Anyone who places F76 above F1/2 or 3 above NV is obviously either mentally retarded to the point he shouldnt be...
  12. Canaris

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I read a PC magazine where there was an article about upcoming post apo title called "Fallout" and i fallen in love the second i saw a famous Scrapheap screenshot with container entrance. And thus my love for Fallout have begun and it burns till this day. Actual Fallout, not this bethesda fanfic...
  13. Canaris

    Was there any point to your character being from pre-war times?

    That would be the Railroad. Tute at least knows how to hide and keep secret. No there wasnt, apart from Shaun being not irridated and having "pure dna" which can easily be changed into "nth generation Vaulter who never left the Vault".
  14. Canaris

    Fallout 76 now has $10 monthly and $100 annual subscription

    I love how it literally created a class warfare within Fuckup 76 where "f2p" players hunt and grief Fallout 1sters xD Beautiful shit right there.
  15. Canaris

    Fallout 76 - From BETA To Wastelanders

    Its a Bethesda game without modding, console commands and offline single player... No amount of time from release to now will fix that.
  16. Canaris

    Bethesda going out of its way to ignore New Vegas

    Of course they ignore FNV. They sabotaged it as much as they could without making it incredibly obvious and that game was still miles ahead of anything they ever spawned that bears Fallout franchise name.
  17. Canaris

    I don't like Fallout 4, but...

    Modded Fallout 4 vs vanilla is entirely different thing. I actually started to enjoy playing Fallout 4 when i stopped trying to make into something it will never be - a story driven rpg experience like Fallouts 1 2 and NV. Instead i treat it like a very customizable fps with settlement...
  18. Canaris

    Fallout 76

    Im still amazed that anyone is actually hyped for forced pvp multiplayer Bugfesta game with no mods... Its like those people are braindead or something..
  19. Canaris

    What did you think was bad about Fallout 4

    MAIN problem with Fallout 4 is : Weird limbo that the entire game is in when it comes to design philosophy. Bethesda tried to ape Witcher 3 with more defined protagonist, looking for a kid etc. But they at the same time tried to keep their "free form blank protagonist open world RPG" game...
  20. Canaris

    Which is The worst quest in Fallout 4?

    Out of those four quests ? Kid in the fridge hands down is the worst piece of shit written by anyone ever.. Major change to lore, shitting all over important piece of previous game - all for a fucking short as hell side quest that gets you a 100 caps or whatever ( i dont know what else you get...