I like this review, and it certainly carries in it the amount of bile necessary in order to convey this communities's outrage towards this game.
I particularly enjoyed how you took down the notion that we should be thankful for wastelanders, because however good it is, it does not justify 18 months or so of a bad game, full stop.
However.... (and this is merely a thought and not a hill I am prepared to die on. You can see from other posts I have made on here that I am no fan of Bethesda)
Those on the codex that are defending the game are unfortunately putting up better arguments than those attacking it, merely because they are playing it. The stuff they are saying about quest design and writing are largely left unanswered. I get why, few want to step into the rabbit-hole that is f76. However, unless a few unlucky saps (of which I am prepared to consider being one if it means a better review and I can stand the mental scarring.) do get the full experience as is, we risk leaving ourselves open to the criticism that Bethesda can never do anything right, it can never turn the corner and so we fulfil the stereotype of NMA that is shared elsewhere.
Our entire critique of fallout (or at least, for many of us it seems, I don't want to assume we are a monolith) is based on the idea that quality of Fallout games can be measured objectively, and that we don't hate Bethesda blindly, we hate it because of specific reasons as to why they ruined Fallout. Thus, it is better if some of us, however painfully, struggled through it and then showed objectively and conclusively why it is decline, and why those that are saying it is the best Fallout that Bethesda made are either wrong in that statement, or right, but inferior to the 3 best (and only true) fallouts.
There is the other, very minor possibility that it is an improvement, or even actually okay/good. I realise that if any of us were to come back or say that, then accusations would be made, about the author's sensibilities., and to me for even entertaining the idea. Those would be reasonable to make. However, it is a 1% chance, maybe 5 if I am being charitable. We could never recommend the game even then because it is 18 months too late, and even if its on par, with say, NV (I shudder to think), this would not excuse that. However, we may as well arm ourselves with the greatest knowledge that we can, so that when the next trolls come on here to attack us, we can refute them with the same facts and evidence- based approach that we do with Fallout 3 and 4.
Just a thought. I am willing to be persuaded otherwise. Stow away the pitchforks. On the other hand, let me ( and the review authors) know if this is a good idea.