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  1. McRae

    Working on a concept for an Apocalyptic novel...

    Oh my god. Jericho and True Blood becoming one.
  2. McRae

    Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition announced

    Well, I will just order an english version of the game on Amazon. That's what I do with all my video games. It's not that the French dubbing is bad, it's more that I'd like to be able to hear Ron Perlman's and Michael Dorn's voice. @ Atomkilla : thanks for the link.
  3. McRae

    Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition announced

    Btw, I really love the image they chose with the city and the guy seen from behind. It's a shame there are no posters of this one.
  4. McRae

    Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition announced

    It was about time. I can no longer stand the French dubbing of my game, plus I want to buy all the DLC at the same time. :clap:
  5. McRae

    Talking Heads

    That last picture strangely reminds me of an episode of Doctor Who. :P
  6. McRae

    New Arroyo mod thread

    That's some impressive work! Especially on that one : :salute:
  7. McRae

    New Arroyo mod thread

    Well, the Tankers Vagrants saw the chosen one leaving San Francisco with the Tanker, then I guess it's just word of mouth.
  8. McRae

    New Arroyo mod thread

    Yeah, I was thinking about that too. I know that most people consider the game to be over once the Enclave is gone, but as far as I'm concerned, I've always loved roaming around in the wasteland and collecting guns and money and hearing people congratulate me about the destruction of the oil...
  9. McRae

    New Arroyo mod thread

    No, they're no longer part of the project. I made the current maps from scratch. I kept a few ideas from what I saw in their screenshots, like the hotel or the bar. As for your offer, thanks!
  10. McRae

    New Arroyo mod thread

    @ Richwizard : Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep that in mind. :) As for my mod being part of the RP... well, when I started it, I was more thinking about seeing it in the Megamod. Of course it could also be part of the RP, but in this case, I guess Killap would have to adapt it to...
  11. McRae

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

    @ All the persons interested in the New Arroyo Mod : I'm still involved in the New Arroyo project (I'm the only one actually). I put it on hold for a certain amount of time but I'm back. I mod when I have the time. In the first time, I intend to finish the mapping process (but I want...
  12. McRae

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Well, I remember Grotesque was working on it. But I don't think it was ever finished. Too bad, his work looked awesome.
  13. McRae

    Pipboy shirts

    @ fayfay : That's just awesome! :)
  14. McRae

    creature attack line of sight?

    @ budz : also, don't forget you can choose which side you want a NPC to be on : For example, a NCR officer is supposed to be hostile if you start a fight, but if you change the 'team number' from '1' to '0', the officer is on your side.
  15. McRae

    NPC Armor

  16. McRae

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread Dropkick Murphys - Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya & Amazing Grace
  17. McRae

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Looks like there's a problem with the first one of your last post Gr1m.
  18. McRae

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Like I've said many times... best mod EVER! *hugs all the frms artists*
  19. McRae

    Some of my sketches

    I agree with Conti, the one on the right could make a good TH.
  20. McRae

    You think you have a bad commute?

    I heard they're creating a 'straddling bus'. A very ambitious project if you ask me. As you may have noticed, trucks aren't supposed to pass under. Can you imagine the catastrophe if just one truck driver forgets, and pass under when there are 1,400 people inside? :shock: