I agree with Makenshi for the most part. Put the tribe back at the old location with new maps. Keep in mind that this would be shortly after their release from the Enclave. It would likely take at least a few weeks for the Chosen One to get back home, so a few changes would be justified. Pixote the slaver

is the map maker for the RP. Here are a few suggestions for him, if Killap

approves. New Arroyo maps should be similar to the original maps with a few changes.
1. The Chosen One should have one GECK taken out of his/her inventory.
2. Show the effects of the GECK in Arroyo maps with lush plant life and crops. No spore plants.
3. Have a new, stronger looking bridge leading to Arroyo. Add lush plant life on Arroyo side. Heck, have heavy vines growing down the cliff.
4. Many more tents to accommodate the former Vault 13 dwellers.
5. People in vault suits wandering around in addition to original villagers.
6. In the hunting grounds map, brock flower and zander root should start respawning, and do so quickly. Perhaps every day.
7. Radioactive goo in the hunting grounds should be cleaned up and replaced with a water spring.
8. A new map area with just a few small cleared areas in the lush plant life where they are laying the foundations of simple adobe buildings.
These changes would represent the earliest beginnings of New Arroyo right after the fall of the Enclave.