Search results

  1. McRae

    Chinese farmer makes robots

    You know, if I could clear the gunk out of there, you, just might find a tear in Old McRae's eye.
  2. McRae

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Just to tell you that what you're doing with the FRMs is great. Playing with the bald dude is gonna be friggin' awesome :) . Thank you for that. Keep up the good work my friends.
  3. McRae

    Fallout Haiku

    So, what shall it be? Do you join the unity or do you die here?
  4. McRae

    The Colony

    So they're not gonna pick up ten random assholes? Yeah... I guess it wouldn't be fun to watch them die... the first day, when they realize that they won't be able to check their e-mails anymore... I guess it will be worth watching.
  5. McRae

    More scorched papyrus.

    hehe. Man, did it take you three years to find an answer?
  6. McRae


    haha awesome! Now, it's in's news.
  7. McRae

    Request for FO2 modding.

    What a coincidence! I did the same! Here, it's "child killer" : PS : wtf, TwinkieStabllis?! hehe.
  8. McRae

    Most Creatively Evil thing done in Fallout

    D'oh! :) No, it's an old save game where I used the bible.
  9. McRae

    Most Creatively Evil thing done in Fallout

    I swear I wasn't stealing! My hand unfortunately fell in your pocket! Don't believe me? ...
  10. McRae


    hehe. Man, this stuff is great.
  11. McRae


    That's an impressive amount of work Patriot. Very good job! As you seem to like challenges, here's a few ideas if I may : in Fallout 1 : - The Vault Dweller and the Blades exterminate the Regulators. Or instead of the Blades, it can just be Ian, Tycho, Katja and Dogmeat. Or a raging...
  12. McRae

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    I'm agree with you. These deadlines are killing us softly. Anyway, it's almost the end of the tunnel. Let's all rejoice! 8-)
  13. McRae

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.2 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Do we have to start worrying? :)
  14. McRae

    hot red Sonja :) ... hé,hé,hé... :)

    Yeah I agree. If you got some time, you should try that color on your first Sonja. It would be great.
  15. McRae

    hot red Sonja :) ... hé,hé,hé... :)

    Yep. I'd hit it. :ok:
  16. McRae

    hot red Sonja :) ... hé,hé,hé... :)

    Well, you can compare with that other redhead from fallout : I gotta say I prefer the hair color of your second Sonja. :)
  17. McRae

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    It appears that Von Drunky's little brother has found us.
  18. McRae

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    What happened to you man? The sig is way better than your avatar... 6/10... thanks to the sig.