What are some of the possible sexual encounters in Fallout 1


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I have heard some people talk about being able to "sleep" thier way through Fallout 1. But in 2 I definitely know sexual encounters with NPCs happen alot.

But all I can find as a male character in Fallout 1 is Keri in the crimson Caravan Head Quarters.

What are some of the encounters I havent found. Also in Fallout 1 I notice a severe lack of prostitutes when compared with Fallout 2. Maybe my character doesnt have a high enough speech skll, intelligence and Charisma in Fallout 1.
Per said:

Rescue Sinthia.

Rent a room at the Crash House, then walk into the room on the right. The game will ask if you want to rest, do so. You'll wake up and Marcelles asks you to rescue Sinthia from the clutches of a raider. If you refuse to get involved Marcelles will grab her Shotgun and both Sinthia and the raider will be killed.

Dealing with the raider yourself, you can shoot him or just walk up to him, which will make him come after you and leave Sinthia, or you can talk the guy into attacking you (watch out - some threads lead to him killing Sinthia first) and kill him, but Sinthia won't like that (400 xp). Or you could try to talk him down; you'll have to initiate dialogue three times. When he asks you for money, either give him $100 or tell him he can just walk away (Speech check needed) and you'll gain 1000 xp. If he says he wants $200 you must give him that or he'll snap. A third way is to Sneak up to him and make an unarmed attack, which will knock him out if you make a Sneak check (400 xp). If you rescued Sinthia, Marcelles will give you an extra night's sleep for free.
Don't save and reload in between talking to the raider, since his attitude towards you will reset and you may find you have no option but to fight him.
If you get the 1000 xp and tell Sinthia she should move on with her life, you'll get a "freebie" if you're male or if you make a CH check. Male characters can return and hire her services for $40 each time. Each time you sleep with her you must make an IN check or become "addicted". Ho hum.
Per said:
At the Crimson Caravan you can take guard jobs. Caravans leave on the 3rd and 17th to Junktown, Necropolis, the Brotherhood and the Boneyard, and the pay is $600. Talk to Demetre again and tell him the caravans aren't ready yet and he'll give you a Frag Grenade. Keri is the one to talk to when the caravan is ready to leave. Male characters can hit on her: if you are a Berserker, or if you have CH 7 and make a CH check, you'll slip around the corner and she'll give you 1 Psycho, 1 Mentats and 1 Buffout afterwards.
Those two are the only ones I know of.
There are traces in one script of a sort of ongoing romance with a female paladin in the Brotherhood. If you hit on her and managed a critical CH check, this would trigger various floats over time like "Come to bed, honey" and "I've missed you so much." However, the dialogue doesn't properly reflect this, so either they were aware that stat checks can't produce criticals and decided to just leave the unfinished part of the script as it is, or they didn't know but it would have worked a little oddly in any case.
Does it change much when you play as a female character. I know in Fallout 2 when you play as a female character you can sleep with people for just about any reason.
I remember the brotherhood paladin one, it was that paladin that stayed by the entry? It seems the developers made her turn the Vault Dweller down in the end; she claims it's because he's an outsider. Could've made up a better excuse.....
Sorry to revive the thread but I have a question about Keri's encounter.

Was there ever a version of Fallout (modded or otherwise) where, after sexing Keri, you could talk to Demetre about it?

If I recall well, he could say something along the lines of : "It's cool. She needs things I can't give her anymore"
dudejo001 said:
If I recall well, he could say something along the lines of : "It's cool. She needs things I can't give her anymore"

I don't see a line like this in his message file.
Per said:
dudejo001 said:
If I recall well, he could say something along the lines of : "It's cool. She needs things I can't give her anymore"

I don't see a line like this in his message file.

That's why I was asking here. Because I can't remember if it was a mod or not. Especially because I also remember being able to talk with Trish about her relationship with Saul while in the hotel room.

Basically, fleeting memories from a distant time and I want to make sure I'm not just prematurely senile :P