Search results

  1. cordelionreaver

    Games with best production values etc that were revolutionary

    Dungeons and Dragons Warhammer 40k Thief Wolfenstien 3D Grand Theft Auto Street Fighter 2 Everquest Deus Ex Baldur's Gate Metal Gear Solid
  2. cordelionreaver

    Any 40K fans?

    Poor 40k Theories, now he has to deal with "Can the Emperor be remade out of cyberdongs?" comments in his videos. Apparently some one wrote lyrics for the Purging song.
  3. cordelionreaver

    Most hated cliché/trope in fiction

    Medieval Stasis: people don't to realize how long a thousands years is. Katanas are Better: I remember when the Wizards of the Coasts forums banned katana threads, because katana fanboys couldn't accept that katanas aren't better then European swords. The player is the only competent person in...
  4. cordelionreaver

    I need help

    I went to device manger and went to Display Drivers, then I uninstalled my Nividia Geforce GT 660x driver. Then I downloaded a older version of the driver form Nividia's site and installed that. That worked for me.
  5. cordelionreaver

    I need help

    Are you using Windows 10? The newest update messed the video drivers. You need to roll them back.
  6. cordelionreaver

    Why Mothership Zeta is awesome

    Is Saints Rows really a GTA clone? Remember when FPS were called Doom clones.
  7. cordelionreaver

    The Roleplaying Thread - What Fallout 4 lacked in opportunities

    The ability to tell Shaun. "I brought you into this world and I going to take you out of it"
  8. cordelionreaver

    Fallout New Vegas keeps crashing on me.

    Steam should update automatically. Bunch of people are having problems with NV and windows 10 right now. I had the same problem too recently. I uninstalled the video driver and installed...
  9. cordelionreaver

    Fallout New Vegas keeps crashing on me.

    Do you have windows 10? Because the new update did something with the graphics drivers. Try rolling them back. It worked for me.
  10. cordelionreaver

    Should I stay or should I go?

    I think you can. I have done it with a modded companion. I don't see why it wouldn't work with a vanilla companion.
  11. cordelionreaver

    Approximate Scale of Map Squares in Fallout 1/2?

    Somebody used Google Maps to make a map of the Fallout world. It has locations from the all the Fallouts.
  12. cordelionreaver

    Your favourite New Vegas character?

    Christine from Dead Money. I thought the communication through hand signals was an interesting idea.
  13. cordelionreaver

    Elements you'd have liked explored more

    God damn it. You're making me feel old. Its Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget.
  14. cordelionreaver

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    7/10 its decent.
  15. cordelionreaver

    Wasteland interior decorating - Do you prefer Megaton/TPT or Red Rocket?

    Decoration. I just use housing for storage.
  16. cordelionreaver

    Wasteland interior decorating - Do you prefer Megaton/TPT or Red Rocket?

    Megaton. I didn't care about the settlement system and never really used it.
  17. cordelionreaver

    Should I stay or should I go?

    How are the romances good? Your character just watched their spouse shot in the head five minutes ago. They should be in mourning not trying to start dating again. Not to mention that romance in Fallout 4 is picking locks and shooting your dog and healing it. Romance in Fallout 4 is tacked...
  18. cordelionreaver

    Which is your favorite gang of Raiders?

    I prefer to think of raiders like vikings. Where most of the people in the raider groups don't raid. It is the leaders who lead raiding parties to build up their status and wealth. It would explain how the big raider group survived for over a hundred years.