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    Fallout: Nuka Break fan film

    From the credits: "Very special thanks to Chris Avellone for making sure our story made sense" - looks like they consulted MCA on it.
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    Bethesda confirms more New Vegas DLC for this year

    Not yet, but it's pretty obvious that it's a timed exclusive.
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    Matt Chat interviews Brian Fargo #2

    About Wasteland and Fallout. <center><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
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    Bethesda: actually, Fallout is ours

    Too bad the isometric view has been removed from Dragon Age 2.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    And royalties for FO3 and FNV sales from Beth to IPLY.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    Interplay is arguing that the rights should revert to them because Bethesda acted in bad faith from the start, trying to stop them from making the MMO from the very beginning etc.
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    Bethesda: actually, Fallout is ours

    I'm sure Diablo 3 will be quite a success.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    The Caens and their associates own the majority of shares and aren't selling.
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    Bethesda: actually, Fallout is ours

    Well, I might get more interested when I know more about the game. The only thing I knew about it was that Jason Anderson was working on it so that's why I was interested.
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    Bethesda: actually, Fallout is ours

    inXile has not made anything yet aside from these small games and the new Bard's Tale. I played Hunted for a bit and it was rather meh. As for Wasteland 2, I pretty much lost interest after Jason Anderson left.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    Ah. All the necessary details are under the link.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    Interplay would not have rights to use any of the stuff created by Bethesda and Obsidian for FO3 and FNV. BTW, I'm looking at the 2004 licensing contract and I think Bethesda could block Interplay's Fallout 6 by licensing but not releasing their "Fallout 5". I don't see any clause anywhere...
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    $1,250,000 for FO3, and a million for each following game, as well as 12% royalties.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    A bot will take care of FO3-specific articles, but not with FO3-derived lore in general articles.
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    How rich are you in Vegas?

    Bethesda made the switch, not Obsidian. The developer doesn't have much of a say in these matters.
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    Bethesda: actually, Fallout is ours

    They won't win Bethesda fans, but they'll be targetting the casual players who know the name Fallout but don't care what company is on the box.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    If Interplay wins the whole case, tagging every Fallout 3 and New Vegas article at The Vault as "non canon" will be quite tedious.
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    Interplay: Fallout 6 could be ours

    The Exclusive Licensing Agreement only calls the games "Fallout 3", "Fallout 4" and "Fallout 5" "tentatively" and later defines what is considered a full fledged sequel. New Vegas is definitely "Fallout 4" under that definition.
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    Bethesda: actually, Fallout is ours

    And some of Beth's latest statements, e.g. the one about IPLY only having the rights to the name Fallout from the beginning, are weakening their case in that regard. No one in their right mind will believe that Interplay knowingly signed a contract that let them only use the Fallout trademark...