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  1. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    I meant the whole robots making a post-scarcity world thing. Solar energy is the favorite of Sci-fi writers and "coal and uranium" are often stated as the favored sources of energy in the world prior to infinite solar energy. Basically, what I said is a reference and I was just joking about how...
  2. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    I think until 2020 is slow enough of a transition.
  3. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    @DarkCorp Coal is extremely bad for the environment and working to end coal dependency is a good start. Coal shouldn't be so subsidized. Dollars are necessary to buy all those goods that Venezuela doesn't make. It is funny how money works after the gold standard.
  4. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    I remember the hack who wrote the Secret basically blamed the tsunami on negative thinking. Student loans make college available to many people despite how high the college's tuition is. It is driving the price up. Politics is about compromises especially democracy. The Left has made its own...
  5. CaptJ

    More miscellaneous news

    At least, IGN gives out news not some blog post about how a writer realized that an ocarina is an actual instrument and how Animal Crossing triggers them.
  6. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    I need proof that a significant portion of Americans are racist and it has a significant effect on their actions. Institutional or structural racism isn't something that you claim lightly. Making assumptions based your own word association game isn't healthy. A guy running for President of the...
  7. CaptJ

    More miscellaneous news

    IGN is better; it is just not good. Kotaku is just that bad.
  8. CaptJ

    More miscellaneous news

    You could have picked a better source. Anyway, this is terrible. Zenimax doesn't the money or technology to pull VR and yet they won money for a side project that the company has no interest made a former employee.
  9. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    I literally never said "We're at a stage in Western society where a Christian can sit comfortably in a bar with a Jew, Muslim, and Catholic. The same cannot be said of local gathering places in rural Middle Eastern areas." @BigGuyCIA said that. see
  10. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    Hopefully taking a class in Economics.
  11. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    Fair enough but it was more of a response to @CT Phipps who keeps insisting that a large portion of Americans are racist. I said that the Trump needed the Obama voters in order to win as a way to imply that most American are not racist. He tries to deflect it by call it a strawman. Why are you...
  12. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    @CT Phipps I can't read Arabic so let's not go too deep into this. Not really. Sharia law is pretty barbaric. While most Filipinos are apathetic to Muslims, there is a constant fear of separatism in Mindanao.
  13. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    Then why did they put the effort not to call it a Muslim ban? I heard this argument before and I believe that the flaw of that study is not taking account to demographical difference between the countries. They probably wouldn't touch that because of the perceived racism. A lot of those who...
  14. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    This has been discussed already. Jews don't seek out converts unlike Christians and Muslims; and laws of the countries that they lived in expressly forbid them from converting people similarly to the laws that forbid them from owning farm land. In fact, I remember hearing that being Jewish can...
  15. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    That is retarded. Also a bit of circular reasoning. America is pretty multicultural compared to China or Japan. The preference for Jus Soli over Jus Sanguinis although America uses a little of both is on the idea that American isn't a race. Tell that to bone marrow donors. German isn't a...
  16. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    Jewish people are largely considered a race mostly because they consider themselves a race. Also, this is from The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage. From where I am from, most Muslims are not Arabs. Nobody thinks...
  17. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    You didn't explicitly say that it wasn't about race. In fact, you keep insinuating that large portion of the voter base is racist. If it isn't about race, then how are they racist? Also, it feels like you only skimmed my posts.
  18. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    Race is something that you can never change but it doesn't indicate much about a person. Religion is something that you can change (unless you are at certain parts of the Middle East) and indicate what you believe in. Social Class is something that does change. People become rich and poor all...
  19. CaptJ

    Muuuuuuuslim Baaaaaan! But don't call it that!

    So that you may switch between the three whenever it is convenient for your argument? He meant that he was openly racist instead of secretly/subconsciously racist which some people accuse everyone of being. He couldn't have won without the vote of those who voted Obama. Why is it easier for...