CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

You didn't explicitly say that it wasn't about race. In fact, you keep insinuating that large portion of the voter base is racist. If it isn't about race, then how are they racist? Also, it feels like you only skimmed my posts.
Your problem is you keep trying to make Trump's election about race and turn me into a weird kind of straw liberal. I am, however, 100% right a large portion of the voter base is racist because race is a huge part of America. However, the whole idea Trump was elected because of race is liberal sour grapes trying to explain away their loss instead of accepting people hate neocon Democrats every bit as much as corrupt Republicans.
You've mentioned you have a problem with my statement class, race, and religion are all interlocked in terms of prejudice. Well, the thing is that it's all one facet of the larger issue of Othering and tribalism in America. People find reasons to dislike the Other and these feed into one another and create the prejudices we see in America.
When people hate Blacks in America, they often hate them because of class-based reasons as well as their skin color and the perception of Black culture being "angry" at the White man.
When people hate Arabs, they often do it because of religions reasons as well as perceptions of either extreme difference in terms of wealth (either much or less).
There's also the fact people who actually believe race is a real thing are idiots. Race is fucking nonsense and arbitrary bullshit created by a bunch of white assholes in the 19th century to make themselves feel good about themselves despite the goalposts are usually, "Close to me." It's just a grouping people have made to broaden and define their tribe.
I remember an iranian associate of mine being pissed off about the Prince of Persia casting controversy. Why? Because he identified himself as white and was annoyed most of the world seemed not to realize that.