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  1. Paladin Hank

    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    Planescape Torment. Annah will always hold a dear place in my heart <3 Romance if handled correctly can really make a game substantially better. I'm ashamed to admit that I really fell in love with Annah. Her character was so developed that she made me forget that she wasn't real. That's about...
  2. Paladin Hank

    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    He sorta reminded me of Victor Presper
  3. Paladin Hank

    Aside from Fallout, what's your favourite isometric rpg?

    That's a tough question. I'd go with Planescape Torment too, that game is phenomenal. Arcanum comes in close second though, and is in my opinion one of the most complex roleplaying game ever made. There's a ton of isometric rpgs I have yet to play, such as Underail, Baldur's Gate I&II, Icewind...
  4. Paladin Hank

    actually good gaming review channels?

    Watch videogamedunkey if you want very serious and analytical video game reviews.
  5. Paladin Hank

    The Black Parade

    I can totally relate with the pain of having to be someone you aren't. I myself have to sit around in a classroom all day too, feigning to be even slightly interested in what is being said in front of me. I feel like I'm wasting my life just sitting there listening to teachers. Only about 1/8 of...
  6. Paladin Hank

    Obsidian Announcement on 6th of December

    I read the first Foundation novel a while back, but I think I was too young to appreciate it truly. I'll add the Foundation saga to the lists of books I need to read before I die. Anyone else a Philip K Dick fan? I'm reading through the VALIS trilogy at the moment, which is really excellent.
  7. Paladin Hank

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    You're my favourite homosexual :wiggle:
  8. Paladin Hank

    The real reasons people hate Bethesda

    Wow you're lucky. My first "RPG" was Fallout 4, and I enjoyed the crap out of that game initially. Then I played New Vegas. And 1 and 2. Haven't touched 4 since.
  9. Paladin Hank

    Black Friday sales on Steam and GOG. What are you getting?

    Avernum 1 2 4 and 5, Nethergate Resurrection and Geneforge Saga. Only reason I didn't get the entire bundle is because im poor.
  10. Paladin Hank

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    I'm just pissed they played as a dumb character, something even they realised was a mistake later on, because for 2 hours you just watch them slowly kill rats, instead of engaging in conversations with npcs and talking about the behind the scenes of the game.
  11. Paladin Hank

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    Guess I'm the only one who struggled haha. Anyways I know the games by heart now so no matter. I just like to reminisce back to the days I used to struggle at Fallout. It feels like it was so long ago, even though it wasn't even a year ago. Fallout was my gateway to roleplaying games, and I'll...
  12. Paladin Hank


    The developer was critically hit in the back for 259 points, and was killed. The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits him now. May he find more peace in that world than he found in this one...
  13. Paladin Hank

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    I get the appeal and fascination behind the whole "environmental storytelling" bullcrap but it needs to be accompanied with a strong narrative, or else it just falls flat. For me its like a small little bonus. Good environments are cool and all but if there's nothing backing it up there's no point.
  14. Paladin Hank

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    Good hypothesis. haha I think we all died at the glow the first time we played the game ;p I wholeheartedly agree. No other games have captivated me visually as much as Fallout. Except planescape mayhap. I would go as far to say that Fallout's UI and mechanics are more than just fine; they're...
  15. Paladin Hank

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    I agree. Now that I'm familiar with isometric rpgs I never have any issues but about a year ago when I played Fallout for the first time I was completely lost for a while. Granted it was my first true roleplaying experience so I wasn't used to a game not holding my hand (for example no quest...
  16. Paladin Hank

    Fallout with Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky on YouTube

    Maybe it isn't when you have the manual at hand, but its nearly impossible to complete the game for the first time without looking for answers online. Especially if Fallout is the first isometric rpg you play. This game does not hold your hand. I remember struggling as hell when I first started...