actually good gaming review channels?


Confirmed Retard
almost every game review channel on youtube is just a series of comedy sketches or just doesn't go in depth enough. channels like caddicarus or avgn are great entertainment but c'mon we're not taking anything they say to heart.

firstly, twinperfects video on that absolutely abysmal silent hill HD collection. old news, sure, but its great fun watching these guys tear the game to shreds from a techinaical and artistic angle. these guy's demeanor and attitude can come off as elitist and that's because thats exactly what they are. but they use everything from developer quotes to promotional material to the tried and true "dude its in the game did you even play it" defense. you might hate what they have to say but you can't say they're wrong.

another great one is mandalore gamings review on the dead space series. particularly part 3. the intro of this particular video is what made me fall in love with his channel. whats interesting is that despite being a fan of the series this video never becomes bitter or vicious towards the game, yet the intention is still to analyze and explain what makes dead space 3 "the bad one'

also if you're a sonic faggot check out a guy named coopercastille. production value is low but the videos are in depth and are loaded with charm.

also there's Hbomberguy's review on fallout 3 which is just guilty fun.

Superbunnyhop's comments on HITMAN 2016 from 2 years ago were pretty spot on.

i honestly have a hard time finding in depth reviews that aren't primarily meant as entertainment.
pls help
I agree. Mandaloregaming is very good.

Retrospective gaming:
Nerd Commando Game Studios:

Platformers and RPGmaker games:

Point & Click:


if you want a pure review and no skits and quirks you may want to try IGN...

EDIT: "RPGgamer" >>> RPGmaker
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Tehsnakerer does rather in-depth reviews of obscure RPGs, immersive sims and Yakuza series.
I liked Strat-Edgy a lot but he's been slow on making videos. I think the Youtube algorithm changes kinda screwed him over as he was growing right when they changed it a lot. I still love most of his videos.

He's got a Planescape: Torment video coming out that he told me about and I'm excited to see it.
I recently discovered these:

Ghenry Perez
I can't say I agree with him 100% but his opinions are interesting at the least and he has a lot of detailed info on SUDA 51 games and the like. He also interviews people.

Raycevik is also very indepth

New Frame Plus
This one is more focused on animation in videogames than in reviewing the whole game.

Design Doc
THis one is more focused on graphic design in videogames.