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  1. Paladin Hank

    Unhappiness is wishing things were another way.

    Unhappiness is wishing things were another way.
  2. Paladin Hank

    And I think this quote is 100% true. One of the main things that drive us is fear. Almost every...

    And I think this quote is 100% true. One of the main things that drive us is fear. Almost every decision we make we make out of fear. Not all decisions but most
  3. Paladin Hank

    Yes but fear of the unknown is vague. It could mean anything. That's what's so great about the...

    Yes but fear of the unknown is vague. It could mean anything. That's what's so great about the quote. You can have your own interpretation.
  4. Paladin Hank

    Of course I doubt that was Lovecraft's interpretation. By fear of the unknown he probably meant...

    Of course I doubt that was Lovecraft's interpretation. By fear of the unknown he probably meant fear of the giant squid monster dwelling in the unplumbed depths of the sea.
  5. Paladin Hank

    So we ignore the little voice in our heads that keeps telling us that things need to change and...

    So we ignore the little voice in our heads that keeps telling us that things need to change and by the time we're 60 and close to death we realize that there was no such thing as stability in the first place and we wasted so much time worrying about the future instead of appreciating the present.
  6. Paladin Hank

    The quote can be interpreted in many different ways. That's not the interpretation I had in...

    The quote can be interpreted in many different ways. That's not the interpretation I had in mind. In my interpretation, fear of the unknown is synonymous to fear of change. I believe we humans are inately terrified of change, because with change comes uncertainty and the absence of normalcy and...
  7. Paladin Hank

    The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear...

    The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
  8. Paladin Hank

    Hello I have recently started my first ever play through of Fallout 1.

    Aim for the eyes. Always have stimpacks equipped so you don't have to open your inventory to use them. Use drugs such as psycho (for damage resistance) and jet (more AP) to enhance your combat skills, but try not to get addicted. Try to use your environment to your advantage. For example...
  9. Paladin Hank

    I have no idea who that is. I was just making a Lovecraft reference

    I have no idea who that is. I was just making a Lovecraft reference
  10. Paladin Hank

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Street Warrior

    I agree. I think the Enclave remnants in New Vegas are a lot more fleshed out and nuanced than the Enclave is in Fallout 2 (and Fallout 3, for that matter). New Vegas managed to humanize the Enclave, which is not something I thought was possible. That's why I'm kind of sick of mods (such as the...
  11. Paladin Hank

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Travelling and reading books also speeds up the timer a lot. I remember the first time I beat Fallout 1 I had spent so much time backtracking that by the end the supermutants had pretty much destroyed every single town. The game really encourages you to think about how you spend your time within...
  12. Paladin Hank

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout Street Warrior

    I have trouble understanding how this mod makes sense lore-wise. I mean, isn't the Enclave completely gone by the end of Fallout 2 (except for a few scattered remnants who weren't on the Poseidon Oil Rig when it blew up)? How would the Enclave be able to rebuild a base and a powerful army in...
  13. Paladin Hank

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    It's normal to feel a bit lost when playing Fallout 1 for the first time. I'd suggest checking out a guide online if you're really stuck (that's what I did anyway) but try not to rely on it too much. The game really isn't that complicated once you get the hang of it. As for the timer, it...
  14. Paladin Hank

    The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.

    The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.
  15. Paladin Hank

    Dogs deadass smell worse than cats. I don't know what dog owners are smoking but they need to...

    Dogs deadass smell worse than cats. I don't know what dog owners are smoking but they need to cut back.
  16. Paladin Hank

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    This is a companion mod made by the same developer that I mentioned earlier. Pretty good stuff. Haven't played through it myself but I've watched his playthrough and was thoroughly impressed by the quality of the mod. I searched this in the nexus and nothing came up
  17. Paladin Hank

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    This is a side quest that was originally meant to be in the game but was scrapped because apparently it wasn't up to the devs standards. Not many people know about it, but it really is a great side quest (writing and quest design is on par with New Vegas) and was the original reason I was...
  18. Paladin Hank

    The FALLOUT Survival Guide: fan comic

    Keep up the good work. Loving it so far.
  19. Paladin Hank

    Recommended mods for Fallout games.

    Some mods I'd recommend: Quest mods: - Crossroads - All of Someguy's mods - Boom to the Moon (not lore friendly but pretty cool stuff) - DEIMOS - Beyond Boulder Dome (not a great story mod but really cool visuals) Visual mods: - Enhanced Blood Textures - EVE - Ojo Bueno - Better Burned Man...
  20. Paladin Hank

    [Cannibal: Eat Baby]

    In one of my Fallout 2 playthroughs (I was playing with the resurrection patch) I decimated the entire population of a small village (including women, children and dogs). I let Sulik take care of the children so that I wouldn't get the Childkiller reputation. I don't even remember why I did it...