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  1. Paladin Hank

    Atomic Cowboy

    The real question we should be asking ourselves is why the hell @TheOtherManInTheRoom has Microsoft Edge on his toolbar.
  2. Paladin Hank

    Alien Isolation Sequel Announced!

    Mobile games are crappy anyways, so you're not missing much.
  3. Paladin Hank

    Alien Isolation Sequel Announced!

    Hey, I don't either! High five man!
  4. Paladin Hank

    Alright I'll print Howard's face and slap it on my ceiling. You turds win.

    Alright I'll print Howard's face and slap it on my ceiling. You turds win.
  5. Paladin Hank

    You're training so that you're ready for the day when that bear will inevitably attempt to maul...

    You're training so that you're ready for the day when that bear will inevitably attempt to maul you. Remember... aim for the groin for critical damage!
  6. Paladin Hank

    Oh fuck I've got 76 likes... Good thing I'm not a man of my word!

    Oh fuck I've got 76 likes... Good thing I'm not a man of my word!
  7. Paladin Hank

    "Hot" is the word you were looking for.

    "Hot" is the word you were looking for.
  8. Paladin Hank

    Please everyone give me your likes. If I get to 76 I'll buy Bethesda's latest turd and display a...

    Please everyone give me your likes. If I get to 76 I'll buy Bethesda's latest turd and display a gigantic poster of Todd Howard on my bedroom's ceiling, so I can dream of him whenever I fall asleep.
  9. Paladin Hank

    Noooooo you ruined everything you fuckeeerrr

    Noooooo you ruined everything you fuckeeerrr
  10. Paladin Hank

    I have accumulated 69 positive ratings. Time to celebrate.

    I have accumulated 69 positive ratings. Time to celebrate.
  11. Paladin Hank

    Play Fallout 76 because...

    Couldn't agree more. Fuck that piece of shit game.
  12. Paladin Hank

    Play Fallout 76 because...

    Play Fallout 76 because... you hate yourself.
  13. Paladin Hank

    Rate the above song and post your own.

    69/10 Not sure if the dude is even human.
  14. Paladin Hank

    Your GOTY 2018

    Let's invade this thread with terrible GOTY puns @AureliusofPhoenix. This forum shall feel our wrath! (I actually can't think of any other pun to make. I've GOTY make more jokes thoo)
  15. Paladin Hank

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I've seen a couple 14 year olds lurking on this forum, which sort of surprises me. At that age I was still playing minecraft.
  16. Paladin Hank

    Your GOTY 2018

    My GOATEE 2018
  17. Paladin Hank

    I'm not 100% sure but I'd say you're about half way through the game, by that point. So you...

    I'm not 100% sure but I'd say you're about half way through the game, by that point. So you still got quite a bit to go. Don't worry, it only gets better from here. If you still have quests you want to complete in Sigil, I'd recommend completing them before going to pay Ravel a visit, just some...
  18. Paladin Hank

    Indeed it was. Enjoying the game?

    Indeed it was. Enjoying the game?
  19. Paladin Hank

    What Are Your Favorite Video Games of All Time

    Bubsy 3D. Really made me feel like Bubsy.