Damn. Alien Isolation was great, I sure hope they get their heads out of their arses and do a proper sequel.
Or finally a good Colonial Marines game.
Sorry John, I don't think either is going to happen for a long time.
Have you ever played Aliens Infestation for the DS? It is a pretty decent Metroidvania game with the aliens which was originally intended to part of the same plot of Aliens Colonial Marines before heading of in its own way.
It even includes some of the elements that were suppose to appear in Aliens Colonial Marines such as UPP soldiers and the marines going to Mars.
Only flaws IMO is that it short, could have used more variety in levels, and that the end is rather crappy.
As for this announcement, I am also very disappointed as I think any sequel to Alien Isolation should have been on the PC and major consoles.
If it was sort of an interquel set between Isolation 1 and 2 it would have been less of a disappointment as we know there is a full blown sequel in development but still annoying that we can not play this "side" story.
I pretty much suspected that there would be no Isolation 2 when I read on Dark Horse comic's site that an upcoming Aliens mini series will feature Amanda Ripley.
That made me realize that unless this comic story would be mentioned in a sequel that there were no plans to make a sequel. (for me when a plotline from a movie or a game is continued in a different medium it strongly indicates that there are no plans to continue on the original in the same way)