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  1. B

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Can I post of picture of my ass in response to this, or is that considered nudity....
  2. B

    Is smoking tobacco a human right, or should it be banned?

    Exactly. You hit the nail on the head every time. A tobacco "addiction" is not a real fucking addiction. An opiate or alcohol addiction however, is.
  3. B

    Best Web Browser

    So, I don't want to know what browser you currently use. I want to know what browser you think is the best. Open to arguments and discussion. If you say a web browser is better than all the other ones, include reasons why. For me: Google Chrome. I always find that not only does the internet...
  4. B

    Is smoking tobacco a human right, or should it be banned?

    Because Heroin is one of the few drugs that give you physical withdrawals.
  5. B

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Why are you "all weird" with your mom? Do I smell deeply ridden mommy problem with a slight forecast of incest? Also you look like the pedophiles they show on the Channel 9 morning news. Just sayin'. Either way, you don't look like you're past 28. Clean yourself up and, you never know. You...
  6. B

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Not at all what I pictured you to look like in my mind. I thought you were a black dude. I think someone told me you were black. Or you were fucking around and joking. Can't remember which. Either way, I'm very disappointed with how the real thing turned out. Kinda like when you get drunk and...
  7. B

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    Please..... in what way is that racist? Did he know exactly what race/nationality you were before making that statement? This is one of those people who, when they can't come up with anything witty to say as a comeback to an argument, they try to make you look stupid with "So you agree with...
  8. B

    General Gaming Discussion Thread

    So I've bought the first Call of Duty game I've purchased in years. I know, ~!MASSIVE GASP!~. It was Black Ops II. And technically it's a Treyarch game, not Activision. I plan on doing a real review on it.
  9. B

    Just bought Rust, got any tips?

    You can get refunds for steam games? Well shit, it's about time I cash in half of my back-catalog and go on a cruise or something.
  10. B

    Feminism and why it's bad.

  11. B

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    Claymores didn't just bounce right off of plate armor as if it was indestructible. Well you know what, this argument is going absolutely nowhere. Instead of continuing it for six more pages, I'll just let it die and say you win. Fair enough?
  12. B

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    He said that, if you want to get technical, there are weapons that can CLEAVE through armor, but not technically CUT. Which is what I meant in my original post, until you guys decided to get technical on me. The difference being, the sheer amount of weight and force, along with the curved edge...
  13. B

    Is smoking tobacco a human right, or should it be banned?

    Yeah I'm pretty sure heroin being illegalized was an obvious one. Crack cocaine, now THERE'S a drug that needs to be legal.
  14. B

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    And Voof technically doesn't even count since she's an "Order exclusive" poster. I give another reason why but it'd get me banned. This thread wasn't even three days long...... I doubt that's adequate enough time to prove that. If after two or three weeks this and the Josoft Tech thread are...
  15. B

    Just bought Rust, got any tips?

    And don't ask Dopamine for tips. He'll just tell you that the only tip he has for you is the tip of his penis.
  16. B

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    Rep/rads for knowing this already.
  17. B

    Is smoking tobacco a human right, or should it be banned?

    You been living in Cali for too long there, Snappy.
  18. B

    Just bought Rust, got any tips?

    While singing "I Stuck Her With My Wang" by ICP.
  19. B

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    Alec was a Sander shill account because he needed someone to disagree with him so he could start an argument and show us all how awesome Feminism is.
  20. B

    Any armorers/blacksmiths on here?

    Imagine what battles were like when the weapons were actually sharp enough and swung with enough force to cut right through the armor.... They'd all have been dead in minutes. EDIT: Lol @ 0:20 and 0:27. "I don't need a sword to beat your fuckin' ass".