It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

So, 34 years in on this day, it could be a good time to conquer that moronic social anxiety concerning hair-dressers, now that I'm all weird w my mom (who usually cuts my hair), again, so - fuck it, time for the 2nd self-cut in my life (the first was a few nights after the Utøya shooting, when I realized that me cutting my own hair was absolutely nothing compared to, well, all kinds of massacres and horrors... )


I also cut my hand, a little.

Oh, and I bought myself a new scissor, minutes before cutting my hair with it. Happy birthday me!

and do forgive the sleep deprived expression, see, I am sleep deprived


  • 20082015414.jpg
    64 KB · Views: 831
This is like, dude you and Mobucks been out back sniffing all the spray-paint or what?

Not at all what I pictured you to look like in my mind. I thought you were a black dude. I think someone told me you were black. Or you were fucking around and joking. Can't remember which. Either way, I'm very disappointed with how the real thing turned out. Kinda like when you get drunk and take a girl (or dude, if ya know, that's your think. I'm not judging. I once thought some trannies were hot too man, it's all good) home, and wake up to find some fat chick (or dude) that cooked your entire refrigerator and cabinet stock for breakfast.
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So, 34 years in on this day, it could be a good time to conquer that moronic social anxiety concerning hair-dressers, now that I'm all weird w my mom (who usually cuts my hair), again, so - fuck it, time for the 2nd self-cut in my life (the first was a few nights after the Utøya shooting, when I realized that me cutting my own hair was absolutely nothing compared to, well, all kinds of massacres and horrors... )


I also cut my hand, a little.

Oh, and I bought myself a new scissor, minutes before cutting my hair with it. Happy birthday me!

and do forgive the sleep deprived expression, see, I am sleep deprived

Why are you "all weird" with your mom? Do I smell deeply ridden mommy problem with a slight forecast of incest?

Also you look like the pedophiles they show on the Channel 9 morning news. Just sayin'. Either way, you don't look like you're past 28. Clean yourself up and, you never know. You might meet a girl so you don't have to keep getting "all weird" with mom.

Not that there are any mods around to tell me anything, but that was a joke.

Also, sorry for the double post. Web browser's editing function is being a cunt.

Not at all what I pictured you to look like in my mind. I thought you were a black dude. I think someone told me you were black. Or you were fucking around and joking. Can't remember which. Either way, I'm very disappointed with how the real thing turned out. Kinda like when you get drunk and take a girl (or dude, if ya know, that's your think. I'm not judging. I once thought some trannies were hot too man, it's all good) home, and wake up to find some fat chick (or dude) that cooked your entire refrigerator and cabinet stock for breakfast.


Not at all what I pictured you to look like in my mind. I thought you were a black dude. I think someone told me you were black. Or you were fucking around and joking. Can't remember which. Either way, I'm very disappointed with how the real thing turned out. Kinda like when you get drunk and take a girl (or dude, if ya know, that's your think. I'm not judging. I once thought some trannies were hot too man, it's all good) home, and wake up to find some fat chick (or dude) that cooked your entire refrigerator and cabinet stock for breakfast.


Can I post of picture of my ass in response to this, or is that considered nudity....
Yeah but SuAside is a generally laid back mod. He really doesn't tell people anything, unless they are spamming the board or trying to hack the server or something. In general; he only steps in if it's detrimental to the general health of the community. Not because someone doesn't agree with his views on political correctness.
Why are you "all weird" with your mom?

None of your damn beez-wax bruh

Also, I've been pretty "cleaned up" on and off. I'm fine with it. I'm also fine with chilling it out. I have what I need for the most part, and now I also have a short, neat hair cut.