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  1. B

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Which is why they have a military, right?....
  2. B

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I actually grew up around guns. My father had a little .22 rifle, and a 9-shot revolver when I was a kid. The very first thing he taught me about was gun safety, and at a young age to. We'd also go out to where my cousin lived (way outside of Las Vegas) and shoot them. First I started out with...
  3. B

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Just because they fucked Fantastic Four up, doesn't mean they'll do the same to this. Plus, FOX has been known to put out good movies (when they care enough). And I think Ryan Reynolds is good (not "perfect", but good) for this part. People on YouTube were saying if this came out in the mid to...
  4. B

    Spots for my Fallout RPG on Roll20 open!

    Sure, I wouldn't mind. Sounds alright man. Let me know when you get another player.
  5. B

    Is the US a shitty place to live?

    I don't know about the US being a shitty place to live. Albuquerque, NM is a shitty place to live, though. I can tell you that. Let me put it this way: The US is a shitty place to live for those without money.
  6. B

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'm doing another run through the Mass Effect series. On ME2. How some of you hate these games, I'll never understand.