Don't know why, but that reminds me about how a classmate who studied for a year in the US showed us the Yearbook of the school she attended, and in every picture she was in they had altered them so she looked much tanner than she actually was, because she was latina and they probably thought that all latinos are brown so they retouched the pictures. We all had a good laugh, except her.
Wtf... Reminds me of the "progress party" here, after all their "we aren't racists, we are concerned about culture conflicts!" made a humorous sketch on one of their get-togethes, where they acted as arabs, while nearly dipping themselves in shoe polish. Last I checked, arabs weren't chocolate-dark, not even tan, most of them are... well... white
"Pff, they're all a buncha blackies! But we aren't racist!"
Also reminds me of a humorous yet real political party, called "the political party" that actually functioned for a few years here, where one of the party leaders - a slightly tan skinned north-African Norwegian, was re-touched to staggeringly black

In fact, I have "blackened" both my dad and myself in simple graphics programs. It is quite fun, although probably not the most "PC" thing one can do.
(With that in mind, I am actually for a bit of correctness, it's not like we have to hurry to clash with everyone and everything, so I'm not gonna post my own blackened pic