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  1. E

    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    I would assume it is the glass thing. Besides, I kind of agree with SMBComix, the dialogue cross/wheel thing is really a minor gripe compared the fact that we end up a vault dweller, AGAIN. Never played FO 1, but that, FO 3 and this one (at least the going into the vault part), that is 3 Vault...
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    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    Was going to respond to this, but y'know what, I decided not to. Whatever floats your boat.
  3. E

    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    I never think about what my character is going to say at all. Just me, but the Dialogue Wheel is NOT that big of an issue.
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    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    I never cared for the wheel. To me, that is no different from the dialogue box in the rest of the games.
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    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    I found Mass Effect's story to be perfect, let me tell you. The only thing I disliked was how stupid the ending felt at first.
  6. E

    Think a voiced protagonist is a bad idea? Here's Bethesda's reasoning!

    I do not have that big of an issue with the voice, TBPH. Then again, I did play (and enjoyed thoroughly) the ENTIRE Mass Effect Trilogy, Dragon age 2 and Inquisition (I have not even completed Inquisition yet).
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    The game after level 20

    I noticed that the game gets boring after level 20, mainly due to the fact that by that time, I have the best gear, and am trained to use it all. makes the game dull as nuclear winter.
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    Timetravel in Fallout?

    Hardly watch Powerpuff girls, so maybe I just did not know, or just plain old forgot about watching them.
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    Timetravel in Fallout?

    Comics, always comics.
  10. E

    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    I think the issue is more with the old games being top-down. I play Diablo 3, but never feel immersed, or at least enjoying myself. I tried Pillars of Eternity, and deleted that game from my steam library. But, I am not going to run this off the rails. Shots to the groin are generally funny, as...
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    Timetravel in Fallout?

    Honestly, I do not see the appeal of time-travel, unless The Flash was in Fallout (then you could time-travel but running superhumanly fast).
  12. E

    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    Mostly just for Fallout and TES. I play plenty of other RPG-types that are not First Person (Diablo 3 is top-down).
  13. E

    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    I would probably be spoiled by lack of first person (started with FO 3).
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    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    If only I played the original fallouts :(.
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    Are shots to testicles really funny?

    Shots to the groin/testicles are funny, especially when used with a steel-toed power boot.
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    New enemies in future Fallouts

    I can understand, it never thought about animals. all the ones I can think of, are done. Maybe a cazador+a night stalker.
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    New enemies in future Fallouts

    You both get rads. Also, I figured people would just laugh at me for having insane thoughts on monsters.
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    FNV Honest Hearts Question

    It is not that big of an issue really. Mostly the stories are kept in-DLC, but the loot is cool for LR.
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    Need explanations about roleplaying ingame

    One thing I would consider is working on a backstory for the character. That will help with the character-building in terms of stats and perks. Also helps with choices if playing NV.