New enemies in future Fallouts


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I was just wondering. Would anyone on here want new/more enemies in fallout games? If so, what would you want?

I, myself, thought that robotic deathclaws (not just "cyberclaws"/cyborg Deathclaws, but full on robot versions of the big bad demons of the wasteland) or Cyber-Cazadors that paralys/stun you instead of poisoning you should appear.
In all seriousness. You can do pretty much anything wildlife related. Just please... no more robots or enclave. In my opinion, Fallout needs to return to a more "down to earth" scenery. More low-tech and much less high-tech. Currently in the game world, even a dumb backwater farmer can build a laser rifle in a shed on his brahmin ranch.
In all seriousness. You can do pretty much anything wildlife related. Just please... no more robots or enclave. In my opinion, Fallout needs to return to a more "down to earth" scenery. More low-tech and much less high-tech. Currently in the game world, even a dumb backwater farmer can build a laser rifle in a shed on his brahmin ranch.

I can understand, it never thought about animals. all the ones I can think of, are done. Maybe a cazador+a night stalker.
My first thought was, hey, Great Khans
But it would be pretty much the same as Caesar's Legion - a big band of raiders using ancient conquerors styles. They would have a slightly different culture though, so, there's that.

Aren't they in cahoots with the Followers of the Apocallypse? If so, there is a definite contrast between the two groups, that the hero could use to disrupt either or both groups.

Another possibility is Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel, whom are absolutely definitely hardcore conquerors that I can easily imagine taking over Caesar's Legion areas, especially with NCR weakining them from the other side.
For an anti-slavery good-guy protagonist, the Midwestern BoS are clear-cut bad-guys (even if they aren't clear cut bad guys besides the slavery aspect)
If Caesar's Legion crumbles (which I imagine it will), NCR and MBoS are bound to meet - and their meeting is unlikely to be very happy, considering NCR-BoS relations before, and the general attitude of the MBoS

Not to drag FO3 canon into this too much, and I fucking hated the "trog" concept, but I'm far from opposed to the idea of an organized slavery-based nation rising in The Pitt. Obviously, it can't stay the way depicted there, with a non-society consisting almost entirely of slaves and soldiers - who actually lives there? (who grows the food etc etc etc, same old) But as an antagonistic faction, why not? Especially as they expand, and become more than just a rabble of raiders in 4 buildings

The Chinese could also make a come-back, not only that - but they are allready on the continent. San Francisco seems to have a Chinese majority, as well as a well established rulership, well organized and very well armed (most of them carry G11s and such), sooner or later, an independent Shi city-state in the middle of NCR would become a bit of a sore spot
The Angels of the Apocalypse; militant neo Christians with a rather warped version of the religion who seek to convert all of the people in the wasteland to their faith and eliminate all technology and knowledge to a certain level because they feel it was technology and godlessness that made man loose reason and start the great war.
They are somewhat hypocritical regarding technology usage as their warriors; the Crusaders do use modern and advanced weaponry, armor, medicine, and communications methods. But they in return practice atonement through self punishment.

They consider their biggest enemies those who use technology in abundance and seek to recover or create more of it such as the Followers of the ATLANTIS whose members and leader the Angels consider abominations.

The Followers of the ATLANTIS; post humanist para military cyborg traders. The Followers follow the leadership of the ATLANTIS, Poseidon Energy's old super computer that actually had grown self aware before the great war.
Rather than being anti human or ruling over humanity, the ATLANTIS instead wants to rule with its followers and start a new age of science and technology.
The Followers believe that the fall of the old world civilizations and the great war were the result of human failings and limitations and that their leader ATLANTIS is beyond those. They balance its logic with their own humanity to create a fair but effective organization.
The Followers' biggest wish is to transcend beyond their human limitations and become self optimizing machine lifeforms like their leader and part of their research and rebuilding is developing technologies to turn humans into cyborgs and eventually into full machine intelligences.
Unlike the Brotherhood they freely trade their technology and knowledge to everyone who can pay their price, but they don't always include instructions or warnings as those cost extra. They also experiment with technologies and science they do not completely understand themselves.

The original ideas belong to Jiri Shigor 'birdman' but he has given me permission to use both factions for my own Fallout concepts and this is how I would like to use these factions.
Neither would be truly good or evil, but siding with one would get the other against you.

The System; a communist government based on post apocalyptic communist ideologies. The System was original founded by Chinese POW who intermingled with US survivors.
Feeling that both the old US democratic system has failed and Chinese communism had the right ideas but was flawed, the people of the System modified it to meet the needs of a world in the aftermath of a nuclear war and with a great shortage of resources.
Rather than spreading the 'worker revolution' they seek to bring the 'people's revolution', trying to convince people to abandon the sometimes feudal like society structure they live on or even recreations of the pre war democratic government system which often suffers from bribery and corruption.
Of course the System is not a true communist state and much more like the Russian and Chinese ones before the war, but the thing is that the System is successful in feeding and protecting its people and building a new civilization.
The Rust: A group of raiders originally founded by Pre War soldiers who went all Shell Shocked PSTD when the Bombs fell. They took refuge in their fort but after seeing the horrors of the wasteland something inside of them clicked, maybe it was the memories of the horrors of the Resources War or even the fight in Anchorage but they just turned into Soldier mode permanently. Armed with the Power armor and military fatigues of their Fort they took to build foxholes and outposts to ambush any fighting force that crossed their territories with advanced tactics and such. You will find mine fields and pitfalls when enetering over territory claimed by them. Their name comes from their tradition of covering their armors in mud for camouflage resultign in their power armor and military equipment looking rusted out.
Their current incarnation is less PTSD soldiers and more just overly territorial tribals protecting their lands from demonic spirits using the knowledge of their ancestors (Warfare tactics, weapon upkeping, Power Armor usage etc).
Their tribal chief is said to be an Immortal perpetualy clad in armor of the ancients (Actually the only surviving of the original soldiers via Ghoulification). He is insane and is the one who had been so obsessively imparting xenophobic ideas on the tribals for decades.
That's not a bad idea. "The Rust" sounds super cliche, though.
Reminds me a little of the proposed 'mole town' of Van Buren.
It would have been this little community full of foxholes and underground passage ways that was used by a single super paranoid survivalist who basically waged one man wars against most people who entered this town.
Ive always been partial to "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" type of mutants. For those not in the know, they are descendants of survivors who have over the generations developed a form telepathy. It is their main mode of communication, although they can speak when prompted to. It would add more variety then "Bethesda style" Super-mutants and ghouls,oh and Harold is a type of mutant too(but he's not going anywhere hopefully). That being said, not sure they use the other part of their narrative as it is too similar to things we've seen in Megaton.
I always liked the ideas of the Gehenas and Molechs from Van Buren, I wish they had been included in one of the DLCs or maybe in a future Obsi-Fallout?
"The rust" is basically as good or terrible a name as "Boomers"

"cuz their stuff goes boom :0"


Sometimes we just have to put up with some stuff :D
Ive always been partial to "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" type of mutants. For those not in the know, they are descendants of survivors who have over the generations developed a form telepathy. It is their main mode of communication, although they can speak when prompted to. It would add more variety then "Bethesda style" Super-mutants and ghouls,oh and Harold is a type of mutant too(but he's not going anywhere hopefully). That being said, not sure they use the other part of their narrative as it is too similar to things we've seen in Megaton.

There were 'Pyskers' in Fallout 1 and one in Fallout New Vegas, and of course the Beast Lords in Fallout Tactics. I think the general consensus is that stuff like telepathy and other ESP and telekinesis, or setting stuff on fire with just your mind is extremely extremely rare and is not something that is passed on.
The Master was telepathic for example but he and the Pyskers were the result of unstable mutations.

It has been 'seen' but it is to rare to be considered a reoccurring phenomenon.