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  1. E

    The first time you met Super Mutants

    When I first met super mutants (in FO 3), I thought "well, more enemies to kill"
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    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    whether skills are gone for good, or just reworked from their original form, it just means that SPECIAL should be more important that they were in 3/NV.
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    New enemies in future Fallouts

    I was just wondering. Would anyone on here want new/more enemies in fallout games? If so, what would you want? I, myself, thought that robotic deathclaws (not just "cyberclaws"/cyborg Deathclaws, but full on robot versions of the big bad demons of the wasteland) or Cyber-Cazadors that...
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    How excited are you for Fallout 4?

    actually pretty excited, so want to play.
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    So Our Protagonist Is Over 200 Years Old

    Honestly, I think it will add a whole bunch of good RP opportunities. Will I be able to adjust quickly to survive? What will I do to salvage this world? Can I be like Nolan from Defiance? What else is possible?
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    Ban This Sick Liberal Propaganda, Or How Fallout 4 Made Me Gay

    eh, not that big of a deal. Plan to play first person mode anyways, so will likely not see it much, if at all.
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    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Used lasers and traditional guns from a perch on any Deathclaw infestation. I prefer the Gauss for Deathclaw hunting energy weapons.
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    This guy speaks the truth about New vegas!

    Not that worried. I wore power armor AND took Rad-X.
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    Funny names for characters and to call the factions

    The weeds, accursed little plants keep growing back (obvious joke on the fiends).
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    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    @Neon Child: It mostly has to do with the fact that we have no seen much of the legion outside of their military, really. The Enclave were pretty much set up to be the bad guys/gals, while the legion was meant to have cities showing daily life under the legion. That was cut from final release.
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    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    @KilgoreTrout, I changed to a kind of Han Solo-ish character, only using traditional guns instead of an energy weapon.
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    Not So Good End for BoS in Wild Card Ending

    true. But the Brotherhood are incredibly close to it. Human nature and all that.
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    Not So Good End for BoS in Wild Card Ending

    I do not think the BoS were ever meant to be the knights in shining power armor they were in 3. I think they were meant as an example of human corruption with power.
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    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    Seriously, I need help with a nerd RP. mostly addictions if any, and choices for some quests.
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    What if... Alternative Endings to Fallout New Vegas

    Judging by some of the options when giving it to Hildern, either they are dumb, lying, or just simply do not trust the terminal entries.
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    What if... Alternative Endings to Fallout New Vegas

    Well, the character does not really know that when we give the data to Hildern.
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    You get to take over the Mojave with absolute power,

    I personally think that my nerdy courier would just want to sit around and play with her robots (she is weird like that) rather than run ANYTHING.
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    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    Anyone here try a Nerd character (high intelligence, tech skills tagged, non-violent most of the time)? Need advice on what to do for her, as I am debating between 5/7 endurance, 7/9 intelligence (mod to reduce the skill point gain per level) and 7/9 luck. basically she will have the RP of being...
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    What if... Alternative Endings to Fallout New Vegas

    I would love to see more of our actions make an impact on the world at large. As it stands, nothing we do has any real effect outside of with companions and certain factions (especially the Dam battle).
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    You get to take over the Mojave with absolute power,

    I would only do a barter system. As in, better items go for more supplies and other items, namely weapons for water. Everything else not applicable.