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  1. E

    Little help

    Good point with Elijah. She might just treat him like her dad, bossing her around, and think he is insane. For Christine, I may just have to break a rule and use Chems for that (I try to avoid them when possible, plus, I do not want to get Implants for the stat boosts).
  2. E

    Little help

    Could, I just know that it could have something to do in order to save herself from them.
  3. E

    Little help

    I do like the "rejoin" idea. She could do so to keep them on her good side and to throw them off her trail. but then as the game goes on, she feels more and more paranoid that they know who she really is.
  4. E

    Little help

    Well, she will be a renegade/ex-member, what with having killed her dad over a girl, so she would not have a problem with killing them, if only out of pure paranoia.
  5. E

    Little help

    I am set on a Brotherhood build, unless someone has a reason for NCR, or maybe something else entirely. In other words, keep posting ideas, and I will read them.
  6. E

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    Which is why I do not let anyone but Veronica or Arcade (or the courier if they are Brotherhood of Steel or Remnant) wear the armor. I'd like it if the perk was not required, but I would still not wear it if I was not building a BoS or Enclave Remnant character.
  7. E

    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    I did a tribal character once, and had a rule that I never picked up skill books (meaning she was illiterate).Was fun for a little while. Now I just refuse to use them at all, instead preferring natural skill progression.
  8. E

    Any creative roleplayers out there?

    Just going to ask, wouldn't medicine be a better tagged skill for a doctor?
  9. E

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    And I was talking about your average wastelander. Lack of consistent locations of finding it, might as well require training, because it requires being a part of a group to get it for sure, making it less viable than reinforced combat armor, mark 2.
  10. E

    Little help

    I decided to stick with the BoS runaway. Altered her strength down to 5 and put perception at 6. will have 7 strength at the end for some heavy energy weapons at Hoover Dam. Keep debating between Medicine and Survival for healing. On hardcore. Can use skill books to boost survival and tag...
  11. E

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    What I am saying is that it is normally unlikely that any wasteland wanderer will ever find power armor without joining the BoS, unless it is a nuclear moon out. That makes it not as viable as other suits of armor. and @Mohammed: I find that I can do fine in-game without power armor. And Power...
  12. E

    Little help

    None that I currently plan, might end up with House, because she can see how tech can help people's lives. I will probably stick with Brotherhood of Steel, as it makes sense if you think about it.
  13. E

    Little help

    S-8 is for Old Worlds blue, just because I am tacking on the reinforced spine. P-7 might be cool, but I think 6 is enough, as all it is there for is perks, and there is no perks that require 7 perception. I tend to keep Charisma and Intelligence low on purpose, as I can't see a reason for it to...
  14. E

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    Power armor is unlikely to be found UNLESS you join the BoS, so it is simply not a viable suit of armor. Viability comes from availability. I would rather, as an average wastelander, use combat armor that I can more easily repair than power armor that is rare and I might be unable to fix if the...
  15. E

    Little help

    Quick answer, and short. No need to explain, unless you want. But I agree, I love the idea of a character who killed her dad for love. For those still deciding, the BoS having sneak and survival, it is because she is a renegade of the Brotherhood. for NCR, that is simply training. NCR SPECIAL...
  16. E

    Little help

    Yeah I know, another character thread. but here is the thing, I need help with something important, history/archetype. I currently have former Brotherhood of Steel character, but Think I can do better with a former NCR Ranger character. The premise is the same for both in terms of backstory...
  17. E

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    Well, it would also make you a target. bad idea if you are just trying to move around. Why be a target when you can handle yourself with Chems when needed and healing items when not needed. Plus, with the rarity of power armor (outside of the BoS) seems like the best option is to become an...
  18. E

    Favorite FONV Equipment?

    I have to admit, I am looking forward to seeing the Tri-beam laser rifle with the desert Ranger armor (minus helmet).