Favorite weapon and clothing are the Elite Riot Gear with Desperado Hat, and a fully modified European Battle Rifle, a modified .45 Silenced Automatic as a concealed handgun of choice, the avatar also carries, again fully modified, a 50 Caliber Sniper Rifle (
Anti-Materiel Rifle) for such situations as it warrants.
Reasons for the particular clothing choices are not primarily for the "stats" (
the imparted bonuses are superfluous since the avatar already has a Gun Skill of 100+), but for practicality and aesthetics. Practicality is that it is a medium weight armor (
and quiet) with a decent damage threshold (
only stat that matters for armor IMHO) and, well, he looks good wearing it (
role play element). Power Armor is only used in those situations that require it and the Power Armor of choice is usually the "Remnants" armor. For missions or quests that require fast stealthy movement, Power Armor is not used.
Referring back to the discussion between
Kilgore Trout and
SnapSlav, while there is a "realism factor" one can strive for, I do enjoy the ability to, ... well, ... I call it:
Pimp Your Avatar
I use the
Signature Armor and
Signature Weapons by CyberSpyder for meshing with the statistics inherent with New Vegas, ... meh?, ...some call it an "empowerment fantasy" and others call it "Ego stroking", I just want the ability to make the armor the avatar wears, and the weapon he or she carries, unique to that character. Weapons can be customized (
weapon mods) but I haven't found any "armor mod kits" (
do they exist?).
Signature Armor fills that gap and Signature Weapon enables the character to go from plain "Marksman" to "Elite Sniper". It illustrates a "practice makes perfect" ability with a specific weapon of choice and it is done more from a role playing element than a realism viewpoint.
Another favorite item that is a "mod", ... the "
Parkerized Pip-Boy by DonKnotts" with
colored maps again, for aesthetics.
For strict realism, I would say that 99.9% of all Power Armors, Energy Weapons and their advanced power supplies should be the rarest of the rare and most of what you would find would be rusting relics damaged beyond repair, let alone use, 75% of all firearms, associated ammunition, and grenades should be rare items used only for the most extreme situations, because the industrial infrastructure required to support those technologies is now 200+ year old radioactive dust, ie; support for them no longer exists and all warranties are void, while bladed melee weapons would be a more common combat tool.
damn, that was a long sentence)
But that is generally not the case in the New Vegas Mojave. Given the choices available, I tried to balance realism and fantasy within the framework of F:NV and chose a basic repairable armor and firearm based "load out" for my character/avatar.
Should I start a "
Pimp Your Avatar" topic? Then someone would be able to tell me where I can get a pair of these beautiful boots?
@Mohamed2001: why is your file set to "Hidden"?