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  1. E

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    Power armor is not that great character-wise. Sure it is powerful, but so is the almighty Med-X+Slasher(+Battle Brew if you have the DLC that adds that) combo. Plus, isn't the courier supposed to be some kind of wasteland wanderer? a garbage can suit of armor kind of makes that hard to do.
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    Tell us your favourite protagonist

    I am going with Courier, simply because that is the most fun character I have done. Lone Wanderer is the only other one I have done.
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    Lucky 38 VIP Card and Chief Hanlon

    Maybe it was just sitting there and Hanlon never cared about it?
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    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    I hope the legion assassins like a tri-beam laser rifle to the face.
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    Character ideas: forum opinion

    I was no asking for ideas. Just forget it. I will figure it out on my own.
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    Character ideas: forum opinion

    I do not know why. I just feel bored with every character I do at a certain point. Plus, I am not looking for ways to remedy that, as I may just get stuck doing it again.
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    Character ideas: forum opinion

    These are not actual backstories, but just ideas for characters. My problem is that every time I get to a certain point I delete the character and restart. The "backstories" just determine what kind of character they are. for example the "rogue" BoS would be an energy weapons, intelligent...
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    Character ideas: forum opinion

    I do not think this belongs here but I am not looking for in-game stuff, but opinions on a character. You see, I just can't seem to make a good character, and keep restarting. I have come down to about three characters: Rogue BoS chick with a survivalist flair. This character idea is simply...
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    Is New Vegas crippled by bad writing?

    I personally enjoy the lack of a defined backstory in New Vegas. The idea that my couriers can be different in their histories makes it much more fun than being a child of the vault with very little experience in the wasteland, yet magically being able to thrive in it right after leaving the...
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    Fanfiction ideas

    I already knew it wouldn't work, but had no other ideas for the story. Do you have a better idea, because I got nothing.
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    Fanfiction ideas

    That is because it was just a premise for one, not a story at all.
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    Fanfiction ideas

    I had a fallout fanfic a while ago (not on here) but that idea fell apart. Decided to try another one, but need help on an idea. hoped that he community here would be willing to help. Premise of the Story is that my "tribal" Courier, Marcela, has been acting strange lately, and she refuses to...
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    How old *must* the Courier be?

    @Yamu: I usually put the Courier at 18-50, a that makes the most sense.
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    How old *must* the Courier be?

    I have no clue what you're asking.
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    Why is Caesar legion so hated?

    I would assume that it was not only the engine, but also the message the game was supposed to convey. Makes more sense for the factions to fight on foot than with machines.
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    How did the Courier survive two pistol bullets to the head?

    And he/she would not be able to look for it if he/she was dead. The game would not make sense for some random courier to look for another's package now, would it?
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    How did the Courier survive two pistol bullets to the head?

    Because the game could not start with us hunting for that chip if we were not alive and had been robbed of it.
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    Things we learned from New Vegas

    I learned that the BoS out west (The actual BoS) is much more BadArse than the one out east. and that Tribals are fun to play as. Oh, not what this thread was about. Nevermind.
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    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    :roll: *Proceeds to murder the assassin with a machete* [terrifying presence]: *eats corpse* who's next?
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    Tribal hunter build

    Here is an idea for perks if that will help: Level 2: Hunter-for hunting purposes, need to survive Level 4: Either cannibal or Entomologist Levels 6 and 8: Toughness Level 10: Either finesse or Fight the Power! Level 12: Silent Running Level 14: either Adamantium Skeleton, Light Step, or...