Certain things occur in the timeline that the Courier is linked to. So, in roleplay, how old minimum do you believe the Courier could be?
I'm not talking about references to possibly being an NPCs father, or where they have been before, as these are optional and other choices can be made if you wished to roleplay a younger character.
I'm talking about actual events, the Divide the big one. It was 'founded' by the Courier, poached by the NCR and Legion, and then blown up potentially years later. Then there is potentially some time since this event.
So if we assume a base age of sixteen, as the Courier is a wastelander and not a coddled Vault Dweller, how many years have to be tacked on for the story points of New Vegas and the Divide to work?
I ask this with an ulterior motive. In my 'legacy' play-through I'll be onto New Vegas next. I had written the character to be a somewhat inexperienced Courier, whom lucked out it seemed at getting the platinum chip job early in their career, and was taken under Cass' wing. Then the Divide was released, and looking deeper into things it's looking like a Courier in their early-twenties minimum. Not a problem, it will just require some reworking, and I'd like to work through what we know, to see how young I could stretch it.
Do we know when the NCR identified the package after Navarro, and when they sent it off? Was it immediately, or found within the decade of the First battle for the Dam? Do we know how long the Divide lasted before going boom, or how long it is since it went boom? The NCR and Frumentarii being involved suggests it all occurs fairly recently, especially if the wiki is accurate that the reason it was so interesting was as easier access to the Mojave.
I'm not talking about references to possibly being an NPCs father, or where they have been before, as these are optional and other choices can be made if you wished to roleplay a younger character.
I'm talking about actual events, the Divide the big one. It was 'founded' by the Courier, poached by the NCR and Legion, and then blown up potentially years later. Then there is potentially some time since this event.
So if we assume a base age of sixteen, as the Courier is a wastelander and not a coddled Vault Dweller, how many years have to be tacked on for the story points of New Vegas and the Divide to work?
I ask this with an ulterior motive. In my 'legacy' play-through I'll be onto New Vegas next. I had written the character to be a somewhat inexperienced Courier, whom lucked out it seemed at getting the platinum chip job early in their career, and was taken under Cass' wing. Then the Divide was released, and looking deeper into things it's looking like a Courier in their early-twenties minimum. Not a problem, it will just require some reworking, and I'd like to work through what we know, to see how young I could stretch it.
Do we know when the NCR identified the package after Navarro, and when they sent it off? Was it immediately, or found within the decade of the First battle for the Dam? Do we know how long the Divide lasted before going boom, or how long it is since it went boom? The NCR and Frumentarii being involved suggests it all occurs fairly recently, especially if the wiki is accurate that the reason it was so interesting was as easier access to the Mojave.