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  1. B

    Combat settings

    ControlCombat exists in the ddraw.ini, it'll be like playing Pokémon or another RPG game with multiple characters… but with the Fire Emblem style of permadeath. Will Sfall one day add a risk of your team members going rogue like in Wasteland? Probably, but they better not do something senseless.
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    Armoured talking heads

    Just revert to their default graphics.
  3. B

    How do you find a specific sound file and change it?

    Here's a page for how the SNDLIST.LST organizes ACM audio files.
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    New animations 2

    When Falltergeist comes, it should allow configuring just about anything you want the player critter to look like. Colors for their hair, skin tone, or even apparel in full variations.… Because, it's gotta be really hard on the graphics budget if new resources have to be used for every ethnicity...
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    Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

    No, that's been a problem with critical hits that kill but did no damage. The issue with that is how scripts requiring the specific NPC to die (by the destroy_p_proc procedure) never get run, thus it causes problems. It's a good thing the Living Anatomy perk happens to prevent any of that...
  6. B

    Help with mapper scripts!

    You'll have to search for the PID value of the power armor so you can delete it from either Lao Chou's or his containers' script… at least to my knowledge.
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    Mr.Black Dude (A new playable critter for Fallout 2)

    Black Dude, where is he when you need him? If I'm lucky, Falltergeist may include support for tinkering with palettes to give different looks without blowing the graphics budget: Multiplayer Vault Dwellers/Chosen Ones/Chosen Four with the color of their jumpsuit/armor to show difference between...
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    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Ahem, yes. That is normal because Tycho has little to no skill in Energy Weapons, fun fact is Katja does according to her vanilla proto id but cannot use anything since she lacks the required sprites!… What a shame TeamX decided to wipe all the non-combat related skills for the NPC Armor mod. I...
  9. B

    [RESOLVED] NPC turns into a container?!

    Hopefully it will never happen in Falltergeist, sincere it'll come with Sfall's features built-in and lack the problems that exist in both Fallout games' engine.
  10. B

    A review of the RP game progression experience and small tweak suggestions

    Magnus, I recall that Crafty's unofficial update for Sfall added a seperate Armor mod for companions… just thought you wanted to know.
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    [RESOLVED] NPC turns into a container?!

    Well Magnus, unless you have an earlier save before that happened, then boo on you.
  12. B

    [RESOLVED] NPC turns into a container?!

    I suspect you transitioned to another map while Goris was still unconscious or knocked out, it's usually solved by going into combat and ending turns waiting for the companion to wake up.
  13. B

    [Fallout 1] Lots of new features with unofficial Sfall release

    …The next problem with Zimmerman is, he is completely hostile if he lives after the Regulators are dead after showing him their transmissions. His critter_p_proc should check if the global variables for showing him the holodisk and the Regulators' death are both true, in which case his...
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    [Fallout 1] Lots of new features with unofficial Sfall release

    This is also a problem, notably in the Fallout Demo when you cannot initiate combat until you fire upon someone. This means Maxie's trip to the Fools' place in Scrapheap was the last one in his life because Baka was a quicker draw…, Max said the wrong thing and she took great offense.
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    [Fallout 1] Lots of new features with unofficial Sfall release

    I'm saying that it'd probably be more fair (with FakeCombatFix enabled 'cause Crafty's idea seems delusional) if the player critter was also allowed to make the first, strong strike at the start of combat should the NPC's Hostile flag or local variable get triggered…, except I hesitated because...
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    [Fallout 1] Lots of new features with unofficial Sfall release

    This sucks, instead of giving HtH fighters a chance this Sfall change prioritizes the "attack_complex" script for the NPCs. It'd be funnier if the dude_obj was also allowed to use it… but would it take away your control of the character?
  17. B

    Demoralizing enemies? Is this a thing in the default game?

    Restoration Project 2.3.3 is also still on the 3.6 branch, for all I know. It's not too likely RP 2.3.4 will come anytime until Fallout 4 is released.
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    [Fallout 1] Lots of new features with unofficial Sfall release

    I don't think he'll be upset about it… why would someone be displeased about another person trying to keep it safe and sound should the original upload die?
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    Demoralizing enemies? Is this a thing in the default game?

    Is this what you're looking for? ;Set to 1 to use the Fallout 1 code to control world map speed WorldMapFPSPatch=0
  20. B

    Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

    It's pretty hard to say, considering Interplay and Black Isle had to limit their graphics budget and thus increase the confusion where the sawed-off shotty happens to work well with One Handers. *Sigh* so many sprite files, so little space… I know the metal armor guys with rifles happen to have...