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  1. Doctor 0

    So, can we talk about what Fallout 4 does well?

    Yep, been playing Fallout 1.
  2. Doctor 0

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Steam's most helpful reviews are all positive now. Wonder how that happened.
  3. Doctor 0

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    I guess people are now crying about encumbrance because they have to pick up every piece of trash off the ground.
  4. Doctor 0

    Weapons and armors

    Yeah, the weapons looks like pure shit. That alone makes me want to go straight back to NV.
  5. Doctor 0

    NMA's Skype Nighr Fallout discussion ideas.

    Pretty good stuff. On the topic of toned down gore. I think it might have something to do with not getting the game banned in other countries.
  6. Doctor 0

    Muties in Fallout 4

    Would be better if there was an actual purpose to them. They are just "there". Like, have them try to take revenge on the institute or something.
  7. Doctor 0

    The dev team thinks of everything

    Another case of Quality>Quantity
  8. Doctor 0

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    And I'll continue to ignore them.
  9. Doctor 0

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    Those damn Assaultrons.
  10. Doctor 0

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    The best thing about NV is being able to turn this shit off.
  11. Doctor 0

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    Honestly, are they seriously going to shoehorn super mutants in every single game? Are they going to ever change the cover?
  12. Doctor 0

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    We had androids prewar, what makes you think we didn't also have Deathclaws?
  13. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    I wouldn't install that just because of how stupid it sounds.
  14. Doctor 0

    "Your not allowed to have a opinion of Fallout 4 if you didn't finish the game!"

    And then when they actually finish it, you get some bullshit like "If you played it for that long you must've liked it"
  15. Doctor 0

    Why is Boston unhurt by the atomic bombs?

    Rule of Cool.
  16. Doctor 0

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    These awards are always rigged as fuck. Fallout 4 will definitely win best RPG with Beth winning best Dev.
  17. Doctor 0

    First round of Fallout 4 Reviews

    Ehh, it would go up if the people who had their reviews taken down would put up a more serious one.
  18. Doctor 0

    I... really, really like Fallout 4. Oh, god.

    And even then, they still fucked it up. Made easy to find everywhere, get it at an early level, enemies have it, "power armor gang", and the shit runs on AA batteries.