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  1. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4 "The Wanderer" trailer

    Wow, those dialogue options are so shallow.
  2. Doctor 0

    NMA, the Doom and Gloom Fallout Community, Hello!

    Yeah, try to say anything bad about bethesda's fallout games and you get downvoted to hell.
  3. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4’s Character System

    Yeah, the sad thing about Obsidian making another Fallout is that they would be forced to use all the shit in FO4. New shitty perk system, no skills, no traits, voiced protag, etc.
  4. Doctor 0

    Endurance Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    When I see them I see the scene in South Park where Geoge Lucas rapes Indiana Jones, only replace Lucas with Todd, and Jones with Vault Boy.
  5. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4’s Character System

    "We heard some folks want the game to be difficult, so we made enemies spongy as fuck"
  6. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4’s Character System

    I actually like the cut "marriage" that had the King marry you and Cass. Sad that was cut. On the topic of ammo types... They really wouldn't matter in this game since you will be a god in no time.
  7. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4’s Character System

    To be a god as quickly as possible?
  8. Doctor 0

    Endurance Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    Says you can take the intimidation perk(the one at the very bottom of the Charisma tree) if you start out with 10 Charisma.
  9. Doctor 0

    I feel Fallout 4 will be a rude awakening

    If he can come up with an intro that doesn't force a background on the pc, then he is an infinitely better writer than the hack they have right now.
  10. Doctor 0

    Endurance Fallout 4 SPECIAL video

    Hardcore confirmed? I don't think they would put primary needs in the game without it. That would be too tedious for the brain dead.
  11. Doctor 0

    Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview

    Legit question: Are we seriously going to have this same damn dog coincidentally named dog meat in every damn future Fallout release by Bethesda?
  12. Doctor 0

    Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview

    You don't even need to go to the rad guy, you can just buy some rocket souvenirs from Cliff Briscoe at the Dino shop. I honestly love this quest, clearing out the building with those damn ghouls in it can be quite terrifying depending on the difficulty. Oh, and Antler is love.
  13. Doctor 0

    Son, you detonated a nuclear weapon and killed many innocent people?

    "But daddy, I only did it because I have abandonment issues and did it for attention!"
  14. Doctor 0

    I feel Fallout 4 will be a rude awakening

    I'm seeing two meanings in this, intentional?
  15. Doctor 0

    I feel Fallout 4 will be a rude awakening

    Nope. People don't give a shit about the story at all. FO3 wouldn't have the constant unwarranted praise it still gets today if that wasn't the case. Hell, most people will just skip the dialogue regardless of how well/shitty it is written. Beth knows this and that is why they aren't marketing...
  16. Doctor 0

    Everything in Fallout 4 looks too new

    Somehow I get a feeling none of that will be the case. I wonder if anyone there will even mention the missiles. Most likely they will be talking about how great human robits are.
  17. Doctor 0

    Bethesda’s Pete Hines Fallout 4 interview

    Well, I would only expect drones with shit taste to be working at a Gamestop.