Search results

  1. YeeCop

    What's your poison?

    It's Saturday night... What do you guys like to drink/smoke on a weekend night? I used to smoke grass, not much anymore. Lager beer and whiskey are my choice beverages usually. Non-alcoholic drinks I like are Coke Light, tea, and water. Quite fond of this stuff.
  2. YeeCop

    Your favorite musicians/bands/albums, and why

    I know there's a music thread, but it's nothing but posting Youtube links to speed metal songs and whatnot. What's your favorite album or musician? It can be rock, jazz, blues, hip hop, rap, electronica, anything. I would consider myself a music connoisseur, I generally know what I'm talking...
  3. YeeCop

    What's the deal about the Abbey of the Road?

    When you do that quest involving the Krivbeknih in Point Lookout, Marcella mentions she's part of a Christian monastery called the Abbey of the Road. I've always wondered about it, especially since Christianity is near extinct in the wastes, with cults like the Hubologists and the Children of...
  4. YeeCop

    Was Fallout 3 a good spiritual successor to Fallout/Fallout 2?

    In a lot of ways, yes. In a lot of ways, no. What I think Bethesda tried doing with Fallout 3 (cause they scrapped Van Buren, understandably) was make it appeal to their Oblivion/Morrowwind fans, but keep the anticipated Fallout/Fallout 2 audience hooked on it as well. Undeniably it worked for...
  5. YeeCop

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    The Fallout character you cannot stand at all. You dread bumping into them if they're part of the main story or you avoid them altogether. Without a doubt in my mind, it's First Citizen Joanne Lynette. Fuck. This. Bitch. I wish there was an ending to Fallout 2 where she gets kidnapped by...
  6. YeeCop

    Thoughts on the Bioshock series?

    Ok so I'm mutually a big fan of the Bioshock series since they and Fallout go hand in hand (both having dystopian premises and design and such, even though Fallout is more post-apocalyptic but you get the idea) I played bioshock 2 first, and I really liked it. I played the first one and loved...
  7. YeeCop

    The Exciting Adventures of Herbert Daring Dashwood

    One of the best parts of Fallout 3 for me was the "The Exciting Adventures of Herbert Daring Dashwood" radio program on GNR. Say what you want about Bethesda and FO3, but this was definitely the reason why I could put up with Three Dog's preachy bullshit on GNR. I feel like it was the comedic...
  8. YeeCop

    What Fallout food/drink/chem would you like to try?

    Pointless thread but what Fallout consumable have you always had a desire to taste or consume since you encountered it in-game? For me, it would be Party Time Mentats.
  9. YeeCop

    Favorite Fallout Radio DJ?

    It's no doubt that the Pip-Boy radio stations make the modern Fallout experience a lot more enjoyable. Killing a whole pack of fire geckos to "Jingle Jangle", or watching Liberty Prime destroy everything in his path while "Butcher Pete" is blaring. It's a nice touch that the OG games didn't...
  10. YeeCop

    Why does Bethesda continue to snub New Vegas?

    Okay, pardon my French, but why the fuck does Bethesda continue to give New Vegas the cold shoulder? I get that they didn't develop the game and merely published it, but they don't even implement it into the universe, even going as far as contradicting it (with those "alien cities" in the...
  11. YeeCop

    What Resident Evil titles are worth buying?

    Hey y'all. I saw that the entire Resident Evil series is 80% off on Steam until Monday, so I was wondering... which titles would you'd guys recommend? I'm asking so I can make the right purchase, cause I've only heard good reviews for the series up until Resident Evil 5. Probably didn't need to...
  12. YeeCop

    Dixie Wasteland

    A little shameless self-promotion. So I wrote a fan fiction a couple years about the Midwest Enclave, called The Dixie Wasteland. It follows the story of an Enclave soldier named Miles Barfoot who is sent to the Southeastern Commonwealth to help the Enclave liberate the Georgia-Alabama region...
  13. YeeCop

    Favorite Companion in Fallout 4?

    Regardless of what anyone else says about Fallout 4, I still look at the game generally favorably. Yes, there's a lot of issues with the game concerning lore contradictions, plot holes, graphic configuration, perk system, etcetera, etcetera... kudos to this site for pointing it out to me...