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  1. twillight

    Custom Portait I've set

    Ok, this disabled the "take" button, so I had to resize, but still find it c00l.
  2. twillight

    Fallou Tactics: Deathclaw custom?

    The important part: how does the unarmed skill work for deathclaws? Their attack gets better by incrising the skill, or not? What their basic attacks do? (They don't have seocndary attacks.) Second: what'd be a good deathclaw build? Naturally a deathclaw just eats 2*psycho to cover the need of...
  3. twillight

    Best pre-made character for Fallout Tactics?

    Seeing a guy recently started a playthrough on insane (of course!) using only Stitch and Farsight and a pre-made character all the way through (he just passed Preoria), I though the title's question. Btw, the guy uses Wilma. In F1-2 the characters provided different approach, although in F2...
  4. twillight

    Ways to replay Fallout Tactics

    Add if you have any more idea! #1 just play it on Normal #2 play once using Turn Based #3 when bored play Hard #4 do it solo #5 play melee (better said unarmed) #6 play Insane #7 play only using the ghoul recruits as soon as they are available. Play the protagonist as a ghoul too! (there are 5...
  5. twillight

    Fallout Tactics theories

    Character Creation: the number of repair kits in the game implies you were suposed to choose your race as the main character uniquely in the series. Because why else you'd have access to so many kits if you couldn't be a robot by design? Worldmap: As much as we hate how it ended, you likely was...
  6. twillight

    Fallout Tactics Basic Character Builds

    Ok, the game offers a limited possibilities, but some variations can be done. Here I give my 2 cents on the topic, feel free to expand, re-adjust and overanalise. #1 Captain Charisma description: this build has use ofall option Charisma has to offer. Mainly centers arond perks. SPECIAL...
  7. twillight

    Mutate skilled trait for more perks?

    Skilled gives +1 to perk rate. So you'd get a perk at 4, 8, 12. Now what happens if I mutate it away (question on Mandy if you wanna know)? Is there a difference if she gets Mutate! on lvl 9 in question when she'll get the the next perk? It'll be always at lvl 11 (or 12?)? Because if that's how...
  8. twillight

    Falout Tactics - Everything Insane

    With jdmazz soon finishing his go, I considered too a similar go, but ended up with more theory than result. On the other hand this isn't a question, but a discussion hopefully. Until that, here is my starter, all the experience I could gather on the Insane Mode: Easy is barely distinguishable...
  9. twillight

    Everything about High Charisma Character?

    I have several questions: #1 How does Brown Noser work? It is like you started as Senior Initiate instead of Initiate, and will be always 1 rank above what you would be otherwise, or rank is like exp, and picking Brown Noser is better just when you are a rank below the recruit requires? Or it is...
  10. twillight

    Fallout Tactics Melee Challenge Progress

    I started my playthrough. Progress might be slow, andI might missjudge from my testrun, but I'll domy best. Here is my character after the first mission (though guy mode included): Farsight will be removed for nextmission, PipBoy will be recruited. I only need my party for non-combat...
  11. twillight

    Fallout Tactics Melee Challenge

    I don't now anyone who managed to play this through with melee/unarmed. Recently I made a character with some lategame perks added from the start just to see if it was possible at all - barely, but it was. The final rooms of the Calculator were insane though, and I ran out of small energy cells...