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  1. ironmask

    Fallout patch for Windows 10

    Don't know if anyone knows this or if it was already posted but someone made a patch for Fallout 1 that should make the game run better on Windows 10. The mod Arthur goes into more detail on the Fallout sub reddit.
  2. ironmask

    Morrowind modding thread

    Decided to make a MW mod thread because why not. It's the only good game in the series besides Daggerfall. What are must have mods you have when you play MW. My must haves are less generic Nevevarine, bloodmoon, and tribunal. Also Tamriel Rebuilt.
  3. ironmask

    Atom RPG: Trudograd

    Has there really been no thread for this yet? Guess I will make it. Atom: Trudograd is the new atom game developed by Atom Team. If you don't what that it is, then let me explain, Atom RPG was a indie game that promised to be a spiritual successor to classic fallout. Taking place in a...
  4. ironmask

    How would you make a fallout spiritual successor

    Instead of talking about what a perfect fallout sequel would be like or what would you do if you got to make a fallout sequel, how about we talk about what we would do if we made a successor to fallout instead. Like Atom RPG and Encased. What I have is a very basic loose idea and I still have to...
  5. ironmask

    Best/Worst video game covers.

    So I decide I would make a similar thread to my other thread, Best/Worst album covers. Only it's about video game covers instead. As the title imply, this is about posting video game covers that you think look great or shit, this is not about the quality of the game itself. So I will start...
  6. ironmask

    Best/Worst Album Covers.

    Just a thread were we can admire awesome artwork on albums for bands/artists we like or hate, or just make fun of the ugliest album covers that make you go "what the fuck were they thinking?". I will start with the best: Iron maiden has a lot of awesome album covers, but this might be my...
  7. ironmask

    Would Microsoft turn Wasteland into a Bethesda Fallout clone?

    I'm I the only one that would see Microsoft doing this, now that they own Inxile? Wasteland is very similar to Fallout and Fallout was it's spiritual successor so do you think Microsoft would turn Wasteland into a Bethesda like Fallout game if they made a sequel to wasteland 3, to cash in on the...
  8. ironmask

    Which is better for creating a single player tc? Fonline SDK or F2 mod tools.

    I have been thinking of making a total conversion mod for fallout 2 but I'm very new to modding. I have been wondering if Fonline is easier for making these kinds of mods. Or if I should just use the modding tools for fallout 2.
  9. ironmask

    Which historical era would you choose to set an rpg in.

    I would like to have more RPG's set in the Roman ages like age of decadence. Medieval style rpgs have been so overused by this point.
  10. ironmask

    E3 2018 Since E3 is coming up in several days I guess I will just make this thread so we can talk about all games and not just about fallout 76 (we all know it's going to be garbage anyway). Any games that any of you are looking forward to? Any games that...
  11. ironmask

    Why do so many people love Skyrim but hate Fallout 4?

    I'm not trying to defend Fallout 4, it's a shitty ass game so is Skyrim, but what bugs me is that so many Skyrim fans hate fallout 4 and praise Skyrim and say that it is one of the best RPG's ever. The reason this bugs me is because they both share almost every problem you think of. Glitches...
  12. ironmask

    Star Wars Expand Universe

    So who here are SW fans and have read any of the Star Wars EU novels or comics? Got any recommendation? So far I reread the Thrawn trilogy, outbound flight, and Shadows of the Empire.
  13. ironmask

    Which game would you rather have Obsidian make a sequel to?

    Which of these games deserves a sequel the most? -Fallout -Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 -Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines -Arcanum -Alpha Protocol -Neverwinter Nights
  14. ironmask

    The fallout 3 remake was cancelled

    The fallout 3 remake mod for fallout 4 was cancelled today on Mar 12, 2018. They cancelled the mod because of copyright infringement. Honestly I'm not surprised and don't think much was lost. If you want to play fallout 3 then just play fallout 3. If you want fallout 3 with better graphics, then...
  15. ironmask

    What are new games your excited to play this year or the next?

    I'm personally excited for pillars of eternity 2, ion maiden, battletech, stygian, mount and blade 2, Phoenix point, and pathfinder: kingmaker. Sadly there are no AAA games that i care about.