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    Advice on character creation

    I've bought some time ago and need tips on character creation: is there anything I need to be aware of? I heard CHARISMA is a particularly important stat
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    New Energy weapons

    While melee and regular weapons have a large pool of real world equivalents to take from, that's not the same for Energy weapons, which obviously require more imagination. So let's see if we can come up with something new and interesting. Already existing types of weapons: Plasma - pistol...
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    Grammat question to native speaker

    Which form of the future would you use in the following sentence? "I hope it isn't going to/ won't rain tomorrow; we want to have a picnic at the park.
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    An article about Fallout What do you think?
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    The Fallout game of your dreams

    Here and there I've found many people on this forum (me included) who tried to imaginer their own Fallout game. But has anyone ever thought about creating an entirely new post-apocalyptic IP?
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    Rumors about mysterious new IP and possible new Fallout game
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    Mysterious Bethesda game I don't want to spread misinformation mrmatty-style, but I've stumbled upon this and thought it was worth sharing. Perhaps more information will arrive from E3.
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    What we can learn from the Automatron DLC

    And I'm not speaking about wacky post-apocalyptic superheroes. There are mainly four categories of creatures in the Fallout series: Humans, humanoid mutants, mutated animals and robots. Of these, robots are the rarest to encounter: they were manufactured before the war for the most part, so...
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    Is the Church of Children of the Atom actually dumb?

    Browsing these forums the common consensus on Fallout 3's religion seems to be that it's really goddam stupid. Replaying Fallout 3 after a lot of time myself, I was unimpressed by confessor Cromwell's ideas. However, thinking about it later made me realize that I was scrutinizing him (and his...
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    Big guns perks idea

    Since I find perks for this particular big guns lacking in the games, I've attempted to Imagine a few ones: - Walking Tank: using a big guns while equipping Power Armor will inflict a damage debuff (Rank 1; Requires Charisma 5, big guns 60, level 18/30) Rank 2: Eniemes may flee from combat...
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    Help me pick a game

    I have narrowed down my options to three: - Metro Exodus: I've played and enjoyed the first two games and I love post-apocalyptic genre - Mafia remastered: I have played Mafia II and I've heard a lot of praise for the original game. However I've also read that the game is very linear -...
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    "Empathy" Perk

    Since both "Child at heart" and "Animal Friend" are two bad perks in the franchise, I figured merging them into one perk (which I called Empathy) could five birth to something actually useful "Your innate ability to connect withothers allows you to tame animals and communicate with children...
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    Fallout: Hawaii

    I'm bored so I developed this stupid idea of mine. Player character starts as a castaway after a shipwreck. If you were a passanger, a crew member or even the captain is up to you to decide, just like your back story. After a short tutorial taking place on the beach, you are led by robots to a...
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    Fallout 5 news?

    [/url][/IMG] I know this is the kind of stuff that MrMatty does, because this isn't exactly solid proof, however I might be bringing you information about Fallout 5. Fresh from Italy. A user on the Bethesda Italy Instagram page asked under the Fallout 4 5th anniversary post "what about...
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    Fallout wishlist - Microsoft edition

    So I know a lot of people thought the Fallout franchise had no future, making this section pointless, but now there is at least a faint hope we will get at least another decent title. Therefore I ask what would you like to see in a plausible future installment of the series made by Obsidian...
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    To buy or not to buy?

    I trust the opinions of this forum, so I would like to know if you think the game is worth it. PS: is the endgame balanced? And what about guns? Just Assault rifles and Sniper or shotguns and Heavy weapons got good as well?
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    Amazon is producing a Fallout TV series

    It seems there is going to be a partnership between Amazon and Bethesda. Westworld's creators are going to be the makers, with Tod as executive producer. Well who knows, if Todd doesn't screw this up it could turn out to be interesting...unless they rape the lore, of course. Bet they are gonna...
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    Birthday boy

    Tomorrow, on the 25th of June 2020, Mister House will be born. Ok that's it
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    A thought about Euclide-C Finder

    if you activate Archimedes II before acquiring the gun, shouldn't Max accidentally trigger the weapons while he's playing with his friend? I think that it would have been an interesting consequence to your action that has been overlooked
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    New Vegas Energy weapons start

    You know, in the last few days I decided to pick up New Vegas for another run, this time with an energy-weapons only character (on very hard though) and it's rather impossible 'til the middle game: ammo are rare just like parts. And while it's true that are meant to be rarer they don't really...