Search results

  1. Ziggy Stardust

    How to get special encounters

    I am halfway through the game and I am yet to get a single special encounter. Ice, a character in my party, has an outdoorsman skill of120 and had the explorer perk. I have not been able to cap my frame rate, so I'm not sure if that's related. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?
  2. Ziggy Stardust

    How Long Can Ghouls Live Without Water

    I haven't been on this forum in about three years, but I was recently playing Fallout 2 (which I never actually managed to complete) and something left me perturbed. I was ransacking the graves of Golgotha, and as I shamelessly pilfered from the fallen souls of New Reno, I accidentally rescued a...
  3. Ziggy Stardust

    Would Fallout New Vegas Have Been Better?

    Whenever I talk to Fallout fans (not r/fallout fans) about Fallout: New Vegas, there's normally a lot of adoration of its atmosphere and story, but also a tinge of disappointment about what could have been if Obsidian got the extra time it needed. This post is not defending Bethesda's decision...
  4. Ziggy Stardust

    Chris Avellone Sexual Assault Allegations This is the link, though I'm sure all you nerds already knew about it. I know I haven't been active on this server for the better part of a year now, which is quite an understatement...
  5. Ziggy Stardust

    Fallout 2 mod A little direction

    A while ago, I toyed with the idea of expanding the race and style options added with the restoration pack. I wanted to include different hair colors for men, black models, and different body types for both men and women. If the latter idea were to be implemented, I believe it would require...
  6. Ziggy Stardust

    The Full Fallout Experience

    SOME MINOR VAGUE SPOILERS I notice that there are a lot of different paths to complete quests in each Fallout Game, so much so that the mere idea of a full fallout experience seems overwhelming. I have devised a series of runs for every fallout game (aside from P.O.S. and 76(P.O.S. 2)) that...
  7. Ziggy Stardust

    FUTURE SCIENCE BIG RIP CRAZY This wikipedia page has consumed hours of my life. It's insane. It's crazy. It's like everything that's ever going to happen that's big. Here's my favorite bit... "Around 200 million years before the rip, galaxy clusters like the...
  8. Ziggy Stardust

    Who will the democrats put forth

    there are currently about a thousand democrat candidates for 2020. At first, we thought it would be Elizabeth Warren, them Kamala Harris, then Biden, then Buttigieg, and most of them have had some bullshit controversy that has brought down their numbers. Who do you think will be the democrat...
  9. Ziggy Stardust

    Main Problem with Fallout 4

    Be respectful. This is not a “Fuck Bethesda!” thread. It is constructive criticism of Fallout 4. Vote for what you think is the biggest problem, feel free to leave your justification in the comments. If your answer is not listed, comment it and I’ll add it.
  10. Ziggy Stardust

    Favorite member of TMBG

  11. Ziggy Stardust

    Is Mike Pence gay

    Thats some small town gay if I’ve ever seen it. Look at that smile.
  12. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England This recent poll shows that a majority of UK residents believe the monarchy should not be abolished. Only 15% believe it should. These numbers are fucking insane. In 2018, a...
  13. Ziggy Stardust

    Is Todd A Dick

    please comment with any passionate opinions
  14. Ziggy Stardust

    Saints Row IV Intro

    I don’t see why this isn’t acknowledged more on the internet, but Saints Row IV may have the best intro of all time. You stsrt of as some fuckin Tom Clancy American Hero hiding as some dudes in turbans are making clicking and spitting noises captioned (arabic). You sneak kill them and just go...
  15. Ziggy Stardust

    About 76

    People have been slamming it a lot, saying its a steaming pile of shit, but personally, I think its the best fallout game since brotherhood of steel. So how about, to fight against all the negativity, this thread will be dedicated exclusively to the positives about the game. This is a joke, in...
  16. Ziggy Stardust

    Powder gangers run

    I’m starting a run as a smart, explosive-loving, shotgun-wielding low karma killer who wants to drive the legion and NCR out of new vegas. I’m hitting a point where I have to decide between Mr. House and Yes Man, and what to do with the White Glove Society. What do you think?
  17. Ziggy Stardust

    Hbomberguy and many a true nerd

    I disagree with both of their videos and like most of their other content. I feel like I’m alone on this one.
  18. Ziggy Stardust

    All fallout runs

    Me: i will get my perks very wisely this time Me: gets bloody mess
  19. Ziggy Stardust

    My experience with fallout 76

    I beta tested fallout 76. The game’s... alright. it’s glitchy as fuck, and I doubt they’ll get a handle on it before tomorrow. The game makes you feel vulnerable, kind of like in the sierra madre expansion, but its a bit overdone. When you die, you drop ALL of your junk, which is not fun to...
  20. Ziggy Stardust

    Fallout 3 opinions

    This is to get an idea of this website’s current stances and divisions on Fallout 3. The more people respond, the more accurate the poll becomes. So no matter what you believe, for the sake of science, cast a vote.