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  1. P

    Interplay 1987

    Hey hi guys, i saw this interesting photo on nukapedia on guys of interplay 1987, i recognize brain fargo because i was playing wasteland before, but i was wondering if someone could put tags them please, these must have been the fathers of fallout. how to find out computer screen size
  2. P

    Is Limb Max HP Dynamic to EN Change?

    Hi all, this time around, i decided to create a char build that fully complies with base rules and no exploits, not even respeccing skilled trait. just as a challenge for myself. my issue now concerns individual Limb Max HP. i read that :- Limb/Body Part = % of your total HP (total 180%)...
  3. P

    Accuracy of FNV Prima Guide

    Hi all, just decided to make another playthrough of FNV and this time, i downloaded the prima guide to see if i can find anything i missed the first time. But i'm afraid i just can't make out the denotations... like for Page 381 Doc's house 'Magazine: Fixin' things [Repar] [23/27] [9/32]'...