Is Limb Max HP Dynamic to EN Change?

Pale Rider

First time out of the vault
Hi all,

this time around, i decided to create a char build that fully complies with base rules and no exploits, not even respeccing skilled trait. just as a challenge for myself.

my issue now concerns individual Limb Max HP.

i read that :-

Limb/Body Part = % of your total HP (total 180%)

Head : 20 %
Torso : 60 %
Left Arm : 25 %
Right Arm: 25 %
Left Leg : 25 %
Right Leg : 25 %

If EN does change during the game, albeit permanently, whether by :-

1. player.forceav,

2. intense training/EN implant, and/or

3. or simply during respeccing stage leaving Goodsprings for the first time,

do my Limb Max Values dynamically change since my Total HP most definitely will change.

Reason i ask is because i cannot see the exact value, only a bar. unlike let's say max encumberance derived statictic when i change ST, i can clearly see the new max value. or generic non-limb max HP for that matter.

Just for peace of mind, would be great if someone could answer the situations above, in particular situation 1 above, cos i may have used forceav a couple of times lev 1-4, was doing some testing. i'm afraid it might have mucked the limb values max, if the values are not correspondingly dynamic to EN change.

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