Search results

  1. Hoplite

    Most Delicious Thing You've Ever Made

    (this is a thinly vieled attempt at extracting recipes from y'all <3) So, what's y'all's favorite thing to cook?
  2. Hoplite

    Fallout 2 Time Limit Removal?

    Basically, fuck Arroyo. I don't want to do the main quest and I don't want to have to sit and listen to Pedo Grandpa invade my dreams to give me the speech on how people are dying. Is there a mod or utility that removes the time limist?
  3. Hoplite

    Dungeons and Dragons Character Sheets!

    Post your favorite character sheets if you've ever played D&D, AD&D, Pathfinder, GURPS, small scale Chainmail, WHFRP... FATAL if you're a real degenerate, Only War, Dark Heresy, whatever. I'll start with mine, a Gnoll Barbarian from 5e D&D Paatru, Gnoll Berserker STR: 18 CON: 16 DEX: 14...
  4. Hoplite

    How's Your Day?

    Sorry for the 4 day break, I know nobody missed me. I don't know if there's already a thread for this, so here we go. Just talk about how life's treating you. I'll start with some good news, finally I have a boyfriend and I'm on track to graduation and enlistment.
  5. Hoplite

    Favorite WWE Theme Song?

    Title. Personally, I feel like Randy Orton's Voices is the best theme song of any Superstar currently in the ring, but John Cena's is a very close second
  6. Hoplite

    Warhammer on a Budget?

    Hey, I wanted to get into Warhammer after reading about the Imperial Guard's standard issue steel balls, does anyone know where you could pick up minis online without plunging your entire family into debt and going on welfare?
  7. Hoplite


    Anyone excited to see how Beth fucks up a brand new series? This is their first brand new IP since 1994, and I'm hoping they can get it together for just half a second at this point so they have money to make TES VI
  8. Hoplite

    What game do you criticize the most, but keep coming back to?

    Anyone else got that game that they will absolutely hate online, and point out every flaw it's got and regard it as the worst in it's series, but you keep sitting down and playing over and over? For me, it's Skyrim. I know, Skyrim is the third worst Elder Scrolls game in the series (luckily...