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  1. JustAShcookius

    Fallout 76 is better than Fallout 3

    Title is really inflammatory, sorry. But I can't help but draw a few simple parallels in this post that strike me as profoundly logical. Been awhile since I've posted guys! Good to be back! Fallout 3 has a lot of problems with characters and setting. We know this. I'm talking about how Three...
  2. JustAShcookius

    Strange detail discovered on Fallout 2 box art

    While poking around Mobygames' Fallout 2 repository, I came upon a series of images that struck me as very interesting. Polish and French Fallout 2 box art appears to have this inexplicably large city featured on the box and jewel case insert. This city is ENORMOUS, and evidently possesses a...
  3. JustAShcookius

    Apparently the source code has been in Bethesda's possession for years

    I feel like a screenshot I took from Tim Cain's youtube will be sufficient to show my point:
  4. JustAShcookius

    Your opinion is worthless

    In case it was not obvious, I came across this one while browsing my feed.
  5. JustAShcookius

    LED Displays will never match CRTs

    I fixed up an old Sony Trinitron that can resolve 1600x1200 at 85 Hertz. I am not completely sure if WinDAS actually worked completely but it seems fine now. It goes by "Ultrascan P991" as the model if you want to look it up. It is pretty much there but could still use sharpness adjustment in...
  6. JustAShcookius

    Video games lack sufficient gore and violence

    Just to be crystal, I am not a sadist. I like my entertainment to have meaning and impact. I will be using Far Cry franchise as the big example in my essay here. In Far Cry you (the protagonist) undergo some catastrophe and then subsequently undergo a crisis where you are then introduced to...
  7. JustAShcookius

    Fallout screensaver live wallpaper for Android

    I discovered this on the play store today. Someone ported falling bombs screensaver. Search for Fallout Scr. It has options for changing the speed, colour, amount, and even refresh rate. I have been looking for something like this for so long. Enjoy! This is a test picture.
  8. JustAShcookius

    I feel Poseidon Energy is highly underestimated

    Think about it. They have the Poseido-Net which gives them communications across the entirety of America. Mr House doesn't even have that. They developed defense contracts for energy weapons including but not limited to: -Archimedes I (Prototype for orbital energy strike) -Archimedes II (Working...
  9. JustAShcookius

    Where is the geographical location of the Sierra Madre Casino?

    This was a weird one for me, I remember in the intro to the dlc there were steppes and a canyon with a river. I guess this was the implied surrounding location of the casino? Problem is there are no steppes like that south of New Vegas, nor East, and not North. We have to assume the Casino is...
  10. JustAShcookius

    Fallout 1 Combat UI Sound Compilation

    Give me a little free time and a computer and who knows what will happen. I wanted some fallouty user interface noises for text messages and notifications. I could have just extracted a clip from a youtube video for my noise needs, but where is the fun in that! So I created a 7zip archive full...
  11. JustAShcookius

    Petition for a port of the fallout screensaver

    As above, I would like a high resolution port of this screensaver to a live wallpaper format compatible with android phones. Although a project like this to the best of my knowledge does not exist, someone with far more knowledge of android and apk packaging than me could possibly complete it...
  12. JustAShcookius

    Do Ghosts belong in Fallout?

    Fallout is a game of uneasiness. The player is not so much horrified at the game as he is simply "put off", humbled, or launched deep into depressing thoughts. It may get creepy at times as you unearth secrets from many years ago that may better have been left forgotten: ie: the holotape in the...
  13. JustAShcookius

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    Hello My name is Fred and this is my first post here. I have observed this community for many months and liked what its members had to say about lore and other things. Even more important I noticed that when someone had a disagreement, they used their brain and explained themselves clearly as to...