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  1. Mστh

    Getting the Steam Version to Work

    Now I've already read some old threads made here on it, but I'm having no luck. Steam packages Fallout with both SFALL and the HD mod and serious fucks it up. I've tried reviewing older threads but can't quite get everything working properly. Wondering what you guys do/have tried. I can't use...
  2. Mστh

    Let's Play - Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

    ☥ Introduction ☥ This is going to be a Let's Play, done in classic forum style, for one of my favorite games of one of my favorite series of all time, Ultima. Whenever people ask me "what Ultima should I start with?", I always, always tell them to start at Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar. This is...
  3. Mστh

    The Art & World of Horrible Music

    I like to consider myself a collector, a connoisseur if you will, of terrible music. Music that could be written by only the most autistic of people, fashioned by only the most tone-deaf of ears, and played by only the most off tune of instruments. Music so terrible, that you would think it came...
  4. Mστh

    (IC) World of Darkness: Hunter RP

    You pass through the neon lit streets of Seattle in a green Mercury Mariner SUV, watching the lights of the various downtown buildings lit up at night pass by. The journey thus far has remained quiet, with not a word spoken as everyone is left to their own thoughts, gazing out the car windows or...
  5. Mστh

    (OOC) World Of Darkness: Hunter RP

    ♱ Introduction ♱ This World of Darkness is... not a pleasant place. On the outside looking in, which is the perspective of most who actually inhabit the world unfortunately, it's no different than what we know of our own lives. Governments squabble and bicker, corporations amass riches, people...
  6. Mστh

    World of Darkness/Vampire: The Masquerade New RP Interest?

    It's been quite awhile since we've had any RP happen here, especially since Gonzalez has gone off the grid. I figure establishing a new RP, but doing something like World of Darkness/VTM might be different enough spark interest in a new RP. The basis around it would be a group of Hunters from...
  7. Mστh

    The Heart Relentless (Unfinished) - Working On My Writing Skills

    I've been writing short stories again lately, attempting to improve as much as I can. I originally was going to write this for the Lovecraft Reddit, however like so many other things in my life procrastination got the better of me and I never finished it. I did want to share it here though...
  8. Mστh

    Subm.: Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar

    ⊚═══════════════════════⊚ Ʊ L Ԏ I M Ѧ ◈ Ⅳ - - - - - ☥ ᚴᚢᛖᛋᛏ ᚩᚠ ᛄᛖ ᚫᚣᚫᛏᚨᚱ ☥ ⊚═══════════════════════⊚ ☥ Introduction ☥ ~ O' Ultima, Where Art Thou? ~ Let's take a short trip back to the early to mid 1980's - specifically, it's 1985. You see a teenage kid at a table, and the work station...
  9. Mστh

    How Fallout 4 Fans Play Fallout 1 (Video)

    I have no words. I've never seen anyone play the game this badly. I can't even fathom how it's possible to play this badly. I can only imagine that when you see someone online who likes FO 3/4 and whines about why Fallout 1 is terrible, this is most likely what their playthrough looked like.