Search results

  1. Yamu

    Why did it take me this long to discover the glory that is Doc Mobius' glove?

    Consider this a full and heartfelt repentance in the hopes that I can save even one other from making the same mistake. I mean, it's not that difficult to overlook, right? Mediocre damage, an incredibly situational debuff, and a frenzy effect on an enemy you're already in cqc with? But I've had...
  2. Yamu

    Skills in Fallout 4: What We Know

    The topic of whether or not Skills make an appearance in Fallout 4 (and if so, in what form) seems to have caused a lot of confusion on the internet at large. I figured we could use a space of our own to get things straight, theorize, fling poo at each other (gently, now, folks), and/or lament...
  3. Yamu

    Constantly Repeating Special Encounters?

    This isn't a help issue, more a bit of curiosity I'm looking to satisfy, but is it a known issue to have one particular special encounter keep repeating itself? I have a party member loaded down with explorer-style perks and I seem to have run through every last one of the special encounters...
  4. Yamu

    A Strange Piece of Fruit

    No preservatives and no additional food coloring added. If you don't feel like clicking the link, Interplay apparently wasn't too far off the mark. agriculturally speaking. Some of the mutated harvests they're bringing in around the Fukishima contamination zone include cancerous-looking...
  5. Yamu

    Good Story/Location/Quest Addition Mods for NV?

    The title says it all. I'm looking for new faces, friends, and foils for my Courier to encounter and new marks to add to his map-- preferably a good match in tone with the vanilla game (or at least not F3 levels of goofy/referential), preferably not yet another recruitable NPC (admittedly, there...
  6. Yamu

    My followers exhibit symptoms of a severe Poison allergy...

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had this problem. Poison seems to have a 100% fatality rating amongst my companion NPCs. What's more, they're wholly reluctant to do anything about it. They won't use antivenom (and of course, you can't use it on them), and using a Stimpack on them to try to...
  7. Yamu

    Castro Resigns

    As an AP newswhore, I felt it my obligation to put up a thread on this since no one else had beaten me to the punch: Link Heh... between this, China, North Korea, and rising (if largely uninformed) concerns about "the ever-looming threat of Russia's new KGB regime," Joe McCarthy must be...
  8. Yamu

    Let's see you save a life, Mr. Smartypants.

    I hunger for pedantic, limited-use knowledge. Impoverished third-world peons hunger for simple grain. At last, there's a website that combines our interests: Free Rice. Beef up your vocabulary via a multiple-choice quiz in which you need to decide on the meaning of a fancy twenty-five cent...
  9. Yamu

    The Road

    I just finished up with Cormac McCarthy's new novel, The Road, and I was wondering if anyone else had had the chance yet. The narrative style took a bit of getting used to, but once I made the concession that the book was written in paragraphs rather than chapters, I couldn't stop reading...
  10. Yamu

    HistoryMaker, please read:

    I think it's a wonderful thing that you're trying to put together a comprehensive history of the Fallout world, but I can't help wonder what you're doing it FOR. I mean, just putting it together is fun, and of course it would be a big resource for FanFiccers and the morbidly fanatic, but I...
  11. Yamu

    Yamu's been out in the sun too long...

    If the fact that I haven't posted anything new on it in a month didn't tip you guys off, let me just come right out and say that I've placed "Among the Ashes" on the back burner for awhile. I've got a lot planned for it, and I have to make sure that my ambition and my execution are on the same...
  12. Yamu

    Here's That BoS history, Dyar...

    Well, I finally got it done. It didn't take all that long to research, but I had to cross-reference my information on a few things, and my archives are in an almost perpetual state of accruition and re-organization. Now, without further ado, I submit for your derision my third Fallout...
  13. Yamu

    [FO2] Bow to my mediocrity!!!!!

    Bow to my mediocrity!!!!! ... for I am probably the only person, in the entire history of the game, to ever be killed by a nuka-cola machine!
  14. Yamu

    Don't worry, Dyar, I didn't forget about you...

    Sorry my history of the BOS hasn't been along yet, but it seems that my life chose the one time that I actually had an obligation to fill to get even more hectic than usual. (You'd think that with all this time on my hands, some more of it would be free...) Well, I have been researching it...
  15. Yamu

    Read this, tell me what'cha think...

    There hasn't really been much activity on this board for a bit, so I decided to post something up just for the hell of it. That something is, namely, a power armor (mark 1) faq and documentation. Please read over it, if you would, and let me know what's wrong/right with it. It will eventually be...
  16. Yamu

    Improper methods for inadequate minds...

    *Note, this isn't really a flame, as it isn't directed at any definite person or body of people, specifically or in general. In fact, it is not even a flame by it's nature, but simply a request.* Now, that being said, could whoever caused the endless mini-commentary windows to pop up in the...
  17. Yamu

    (OOC) Sorry, Yamu again...

    [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-01 AT 09:04AM (GMT)[p]Sorry to bug you all again with beginner's questions, but I have basically worked up a character w/story, and I just need to know a few things... 1. What, on this board, is the standard format and protocal for...
  18. Yamu

    Attn: Archon

    Sorry to have kept you waiting, but after the first time, my shit-for-brains (shit-for-a-server?) e-mail service refused to send anything to you. After awhile, I just decided, as you can see, to post it here. So, here goes:
  19. Yamu

    An apology...

    [font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-01 AT 08:11AM (GMT)[p]It seems that among my usual routine of reading, questing for knowledge, school (which is entirely different and just as entirely removed from "questing for knowledge"), too much anime, too much sleeping, tending to the...
  20. Yamu

    (OOC) My, what a happy bunch of people... *grins nervously*

    You're all crazy. :-) I'm crazy, too. That being said, I guess that the only logical thing would be for me to put on my tinfoil uniform and join the rest of the crazies in this roleplaying regiment. The only problem is, I don't know the ropes. I've never roleplayed before, or even...