Why did it take me this long to discover the glory that is Doc Mobius' glove?


Le Fromage Vieux oTO
Board Cop oTO
Consider this a full and heartfelt repentance in the hopes that I can save even one other from making the same mistake. I mean, it's not that difficult to overlook, right? Mediocre damage, an incredibly situational debuff, and a frenzy effect on an enemy you're already in cqc with? But I've had precious little internet access lately and only an old Xbox 360 to keep me occupied during me limited recreation time and SWEET BALLISTIC BABY JESUS is this thing the perfect weapon for a "no-kill" stealth shit disturber.

With a 1-END 1-STR Courier, on V. Hard, wearing nothing but a Followers Labcoat and that unassuming black glove, I singlehandedly bested the entire deathclaw promontory without a scratch-- it was like The Thorn on Buffout. I was surprised the 360 processor could even handle the carnage. Need a diversion? Stealth-punch a guard or two into their buddies and watch the fireworks. Whack Caesar in the back of the head and watch the most loyal men in the legion send his dismembered corpse cartwheeling into the ionosphere (and bonus points if each of them have a live brick of c4 in their pockets for easy cleanup once they finish with him and start looking for you). And except for certain major faction NPCs, yielding right after smacking your target into a killing frenzy lets you get off scot-free. The possibilities, if not endless, at least never, ever get old.

I may be the last person to realize this, but if not, "do recommend," as the kids say. After 7 years and hundreds of hours of gameplay, this glove has given me a completely new way to play. And to top it off, this, the compliance regulator, and C4 are all improved holdout weapons! It's like a complete asshole's toolkit.
Damn, amazing, I have never thought of using it this way.

It makes crit based industrial hand and pyro build seem bland in comparison.
This gave me the idea to start a new Tale of Two Wastelands playthrough to mess around with weird stuff like Mobius' glove. Such as the Two-Step Goodbye powerfist whose crit-kills cause knockback and a timed explosive that deals 175 damage, and the tarantula sonic-emitter whose criticals set enemies on fire that for some reason usually instakills. I also decided to take Rad Child (hp regen when irradiated), Atomic (ap regen when irradiated), and Solar Powered (regen in sunlight), and am going to combine it with the Atomic-valence tri-radii accentuator (hp regen) and Scorched Sierra power armor (hp regen).

Even with just the last two I already fully heal in about two real minutes, and one-shot the GNR Behemoth. It was weirdly satisfying as they usually take multiple mini-nukes to the face, and also because they fell down right in front of me with the top of their skull missing. It was weird anti-climactic but it felt in line with completely ignoring the BoS. Kind of a big preemptive middle finger to Sarah Lyons. We can all see your eyebrows Sarah. You're not fooling anyone. Put your helmet back on. Idiot.
Hilarious, I will definitely be using this glove next time I get a chance to play New Vegas. More importantly, the Compliance Regulator is a holdout weapon? Oh, the possibilities...