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  1. L

    Vault you think *spoilers*

    Those of you who haven't visited Vault 11 yet definitely should. It's really interesting. [spoiler:e632a51a95]In the entrance to Vault 11 you find 4 skeletons and one gun. The holotape makes it clear that there were 5 people there, and one of them shot the others and left. Do you think the...
  2. L

    Late game impressions (spoilers, obviously)

    Just beat the game! [spoiler:fa5ebc1d1e] - I chose to be independent. I was never going to work with the Legion, and I didn't trust Mr. House. I feel like life would be better if I were in charge of everything, anyway. However, my ending was not particularly positive. I wasn't particularly...
  3. L

    Has anyone else killed Caesar yet? With their own gun?

    I just went in guns blazing and wiped him out entirely. I didn't really see any other way, because my companion refused to go with me peacefully and I didn't want to leave him behind. I only got one quest failure (I think it said "Et Tumor, Brute?") so does this mean there aren't too many...
  4. L

    First impressions.

    12 hours into the game. I've done more named quests than the entirety of named quests in Fallout 3, and there's still many more to do. - The voice acting is awesome. There hasn't been a single person I couldn't stand to listen to. - The writing for NPCs is really good, or maybe that's just...
  5. L

    Reputation glitch? Anyone know how to console modify rep?

    So, I did accidentally kill an NCR soldier when I was in battle with them. I did a couple quests for them after that, and got a rep boost, but my rep didn't actually go above "shunned." I arrived at Helios One and no one was hostile. I went to turn on those two computers, and one of them was...
  6. L

    I am getting TO' UP

    Always my problem with the early part of Fallout games (and Bethesda games, for that matter)...I get my ass done beat every few steps. It seems particularly brutal in FO:NV. Everywhere I go, scorpions I can barely harm, mosquitos that rip me apart. Where are you guys spending your early game...
  7. L

    How to communicate the dangers of nuclear waste Very interesting article, although I think it's a little unnecessary. It wouldn't take long for a nuclear waste site to become a Glow-like harbinger of doom for all the societies around it. Even if our distant descendants are primitive, they should still be...
  8. L

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    Curious about this one. How many of you intrepid Fallout fans have replayed Fallout 3 since your initial playthrough, and how was your experience the second time around? Did you enjoy it any more or less? I played Fallout 3 as soon as it came out, and I just loaded it up with a crapton of...
  9. L

    Had to reinstall windows, now I can't play

    my computer went into emo mode and shot itself, necessitating a reinstall of Windows XP. Now, as noted in the title, I cannot load Fallout 2. I get a message that says "Cannot find the master datafile. Please make sure the Fallout cd is in the drive and that you are running Fallout from the...